I read the reviews about this product and must say "what the hell did you think you were buying.. it is mirrored" Now that being said.. It is a great product as long as you know that is is mirrored. It is hard to see in bright sunlight, but no problems indoors, especially if you turn up the brightness on your Iphone screen. I bought 5 and have given all to friends who like myself use it as self motivating application for the Iphone. How? Place mirrored film on Iphone, turn on phone, go to settings, turn up brightness, exit settings, point to phone as you look at yourself, and state loudly "You're the man" sometimes pointing with and index finger as you state it increases the applications effects. 5-Pack Premium Reusable LCD Mirror Screen Protector with Lint Cleaning Cloth for Apple iPhone 3G 8GB 16GB / 3G S 16GB 32GB
I would not recommend this mirror screen protector. While it does "protect" your iPhone, it is almost impossible to view your display outside in the sunlight. It also has an annoying greenish color distortion on everything you look at on the phone. For a little more money look for the ZAGG brand screen protector. I got it last week and it is fantastic. It's virtually indestructable. It doesn't have any distortion and no bubbles under the protector. Happy shopping!!
For the price, you can't beat it. Yes, it's true that it's difficult to see outdoors, but any phone with or without a screen protector is going to have problems viewing their phones in the bright sunlight. This also seems to be slightly thinner than another mirror protector I have, which is good. Comes with microfiber in each package. Shipment was fast but never updated--a typical USPS flaw.
I have NOOOOOOO idea what some of these folks are complaining about. I purchased this product in Oct 2009 and I'm back on Amazon to purchase something else and I figured I'd write a review for this product. Anyway, I got the 5x deal and I'm still using the first of the 5.... SINCE OCTOBER!!! I absolutely love this product. 3 friends purchased it sooner after I did and they love it as well. Of myself and 3 others NO ONE has had ANY problems with bubbles etc. It's a FREAKING MIRROR!!!! YOU WILL HAVE A HARD TIME SEEING THROUGH THE PROTECTION SCREEN DURING THE DAY but it's nothing covering your phone with one hand while you use the other can't handle. If you're reading reviews wondering if you should purchase.... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? GET IT!!! If you've got friends that want it just buy the 5x package and share it. As well I didn't have a SINGLE problem with the fit, application etc NOTHING. It's awesome, really it is. Oh and I'm a 3G user and a friend is a 3Gs user and it works fine for him.
During a recent outing over the Andes, my plane unexpectedly lost power and went down in a sparsely populated area without cell coverage (I have AT&T, of course). I was able to use the mirrored protector to survive by mesmerizing small animals thereby allowing me to catch them with my bare hands. Later I used the iPhone to signal passing search and rescue craft. While waiting for them to land, I shaved, using the iPhone as a mirror, so I'd look good for the cameras. I can't say enough about this accessory; without it, I would be hungry, unfound and unkempt.
I like this a lot, but the corners don't stick very well and gross stuff gets up in there. It doesn't bother me enough not to use it, and for the price, I'm not really complaining. Just so you know, tho, if you're OCD, don't get this. It will bug the crap out of you.
Anyone who has put a label on a DVD or CD knows that you curl the label in the center, position the label over the disc and roll it on from center to edges. Likewise, you do not simply place this screen shield over the screen and push it on. Instead, line the longest edge of the shield up to the edge of the screen and slowly roll it onto the screen from edge to edge, smoothing it on as you roll. In this way, no bubbles will form between the screen and the shield.
The shield is tough. Just one should last for months if you don't put the phone in the same pocket as your keys. With five in a package, it is hard to say when I may be ordering another batch.
The shield comes with a thin film on both sides. The terse instructions state to peel the first film off, exposing the sticky side and place the shield on the screen. Once it is secure, you simply peel the top film off, wipe the screen with the micro-cloth, and you are good to go. Be sure, however, to push out the cutouts for the control button and the speaker before putting the shield on the screen.
How do they market five shields for just $1.50? It is no wonder China is taking over our consumer markets.
Saw this on a friends phone and came home and ordered it right away. I love it and so do my daughters. Great for last minute checks before that special meeting, after dinner and for that annoying eyelash in the eye. - Iphone - Screen Protector - Screen Protectors - Iphone Protection'
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