Purchased camera for an upcoming trip. Wanted a point and shoot that was pocket sized and took good pictures. I was going to get a Canon Powershot but then started looking at Panasonic. I feel like I got more for my money. Maybe because Panasonic is not yet a household name in cameras. A few clicks online will reveal they are "joined at the hips" with Leica.
Using the iA mode delivered great pictures everytime. Did not take a bad picture yet, the smarts built-in really work! Focusing time is short, but you have to let the camera focus before pressing all the way. Zoom is great for such a small package, but image stabilization is a must without tripod. Also has wide angle lens which is a plus, not readily available in competing models. Have not played with any of the scene modes, I let iA handle that. And when I'll need the manual modes, I'll be reaching for the dSLR where I can play with buttons.
Played briefly with the video mode and was happily surprised. It is not a camcorder replacement, but it is better than expected. Sreen is large and bright under all experienced conditions so far. It does have a mode that adjusts LCD brightness to ambient light automatically. I do miss the viewfinder but I would trade a bigger LCD for a poor viewfinder anytime. Great point and shoot camera so far, good optics, it does what it should. Will probably look for a second battery soon, but I am a little confused at moment on which one to buy. Panasonic Lumix DMC-FH20 14.1 MP Digital Camera with 8x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.7-Inch LCD (Red)
First off. I'm not a professional photographer. I'm an average joe that loves to take pictures.Before I left on my trip to Jackson Hole Wyoming I knew I wanted a point and shoot camera. So, being a Nikon man, I looked at the Coolpix but when I started reading all of the great reviews on the FH20, I decided to give it a shot. The battery life, the 8x optical zoom, intelligent auto, 14 megapixel all make this camera remarkable. But it's the ease of use (I never opened the manual) and the fact that there is abosolutely no shutter delay.I shot with this camera 10 to 12 hours per day and still had juice left at the end of the day. To give it to you in a nutshell.This little camera that I carried around in the front pocket of my trek pants for 6 days, packs one hellava wallup!!!...Panasonic has done it!! And the FH20 is by far top of the line in point and shoot. I'm completely sold. Get this camera and I promise you will come back here and rave about it!! I just wish that I could somehow attach a couple of pics that I shot with this camera so as to show you just how stunning your pics will be.
I've used a Canon for many years, recently bought the ultra compact Canon SP790IS. My original Canon was slowly giving out. Did research and checked out the FH1,FH3, FP8 and the FH20 along with the Canon 790. Received this camera several days ago, this FH20 rocks. Pictures are really very, very good. I couldn't believe it. The size is great, ease of use is beyond belief. I'm an artist and use my camera to take pictures of lighthouses, old barns and interesting buildings. This camera gives me what I'm looking for and more. So glad I took the plunge. As the first reviewer said she read a test of the FH20 by a pro photograher, I read the same article and it's all GOOD. I'd receommend this camera above all others. Thanks Amazon, once again you came through for me as did Panasonic.
There are a lot of good things about this litte camera.
1. It's little. I purchased this for a hiking trip to California, so I needed it to be easily stowable. It is.
2. Ease of use. My previous camera was a Cannon, and I did not find there was any learning curve in adapting to a different menu set-up. I love the quick menu- it is incredibly convenient.
3. Ability to switch between file sizes easily. All on the quick menu.
4. Very good picture quality. I've been spoiled by Cannon, but Panasonic did OK.
My biggest complaint: the zoom. I wanted to upgrade my zoom from the 4x I had on my Cannon to something with a little more...Ooomph. I figured the 8x would be great. Except for the fact that this camera can't seem to be able to focus between 3x and 6x. If I'm set to one extreme or the other (either zoomed all the way back or all the way in), it's fine. But as I zoom in the camera can't seem to find a spot to focus on. I've tried pushing down the button slightly, getting the zoom box and trying to show the camera where I wanted it to focus on, but that doesn't work either. I've tried other cameras with high zoom and have not run into the same issue. As the camera zooms, the focus stays true. The FH20 starts off focused, gets blurry, and then focuses again. Pretty disappointing performance when you're trying to shoot landscapes, and everything seems to be in that middle range.
All in all this camera was an OK purchase. I like the burst shooting and the video recording, although I think it would have been better to add the video feature to the quick menu. - Digital Camera - Panasonic Lumix - Panasonic - Lumix'
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