The water of a tender (green) coconut is a natural electrolyte, rich in potassium and other minerals needed. It is thus a natural sports drink. I knew that much before I accepted this book for review and was curious how a book could be written about that!
I was in for a pleasant surprise when I received this beautifully printed book with a colorful cover and found it well edited, printed well with a good collection of photos to drive the points home.
In 10 chapters, a few appendixes and 223 pages, the author succeeds in educating us about all the health benefits of coconut water. Did you know that Coconut water cured the cataract of eyes of a person? Well, I did not know that! Did you know that coconut water is a good way of detoxing without many problems associated with plain water fast and fruit juice fasts?
There are many more uses of tender coconut water and many of the same benefits are obtained from packaged coconut water too. Coconut milk is not to be confused with coconut water.
All in all, this is a highly readable book on the several health benefits of coconut water. I am lucky to be in a country where tender coconuts are sold roadside and also bottled coconut water is available in departmental stores just in case, I need to travel to places where fresh coconuts may not be available.
I am glad to recommend this book for all interested in health of themselves and or their family members, friends etc.
Very informative book... Has a lot of good information that will keep you wanting to read to book till u finish...
youd be surprised to all the benefits coconut water has to offer... Def. a real eye opener!!!!
I def. recommend you getting this book along with some coconut water... Amazon currently has a sale on Vito Coco coconut water until this end of this month!!!
I bought the "Coconut Water" after 3 month ago having receaved and rwad the "The Coconut Oil Miracle", and after that bought "Virgin Coconut Oil", all written by Dr. Bruce Fife.
It all startet about 3 years ago bying especially many healthy books, that is about eating the right things and doing the best exercice. It came when I discovered that there was something wrong with one of the bones, happely before it broke, and hade made an operation. And then after being to cholesterol measures for me and my wife in february last year, 2009, and for her getting a bad result, more books bying. And about the cholesterol it showed up, in the new bought books, that what I had learned i the 1960's when I was a teenager, and allso read in books bought i Denmark in the 90's was wrong.
But first in this year, 2010, after bying and reading nearly 100 books concerning (most) eathing and exercise, I came to the books about cocos. And then allso about this, cocos, found that it was much misinformations we had got in nearly all of the years since the second world war. Because we had been told about sorting fats in only good and bad and thereby cocos came to be bad. And then it has shown up that this was totally wrong, and instead all concerning cocos is the best we can get.
After readng the 3 mentioned book by Bruce Fife, and our knowings now a day, I think that it is a shame that in most of books concerning healthy eating the cocos is not even mentioned, even though it showed up to be the most healthy. But without doubt it wil change in the future, that is that all concerning cocos will get into the books about healthy eating.
All of the books written by Dr. Bruce Fife are written in good ways and have many good informations, bouth scientifically and about cases. And I'm going to by more of his books.
I come from Denmark but now live in Thailand and here we have cocos everywere. But after the cholesterol measure last year my wife by doctors was told not to eath cocos or drik cocos oil. But reading more than 10 books about cholesterol and the books by Bruce Fife I have told my wife that the doctors are wrong so now we nearly each day get something from cocos. I have allso tried to prowe it for the doctors,but they will not chance.
With regards Gert Bo Thorgersen
Firstly, I would like to explain that coconut water is the liquid found in the coconut, as opposed to coconut milk, which is a manufactured product produced by crushing coconut meat and extracting the juice.
Now, with regard to the book, I must admit that I found most of it extremely boring and thus not easily read, due mostly to its scientific content. Though the basic content of the book is absolutely important.
It turns out that coconut water is a superfood that saves lives. It can be used intravenously, its composition being "remarkably similar" to that of human blood plasma, thus making it more effective than standard IV saline solutions for rehydration.
Dehydration is a serious problem, for example, during cholera epidemics. Oral rehydration with coconut water has proved to be extremely effective, though there is much resistance to its use from the medical profession. Coconut water is superior to all other beverages for rehydration. Water is not enough, since the decisive factor is the electrolyte content of the fluid used, and coconut water contains the necessary electolytes, most importantly, it has a high potassium content
Coconut water is effective against Crohn's disease, strokes, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, edema, cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, etc, etc.
I myself have Crohn's disease, but since beginning to consume coconut products, including coconut water, coconut milk, etc, I have had no episodes of any kind connected with this disease,
The book includes instructions on how to make coconut water kefir, how to open young coconuts (which, unfortunately, I have never encountered and can't get hold of), how to make coconut milk from fresh and dried coconut, how to do a coconut water fast and also includes a number of excellent coconut water recipes. The latter part of the book proved much more readable than the first.
Since reading this book together with another of Fife's books, on coconut oil, I now drink coconut milk and coconut water, use coconut oil exclusively when cooking, and eat the meat of at least two or three coconuts a week.
I would absolutely recommend this book for those in bad health or looking to retain their good health, since the information given as to the extreme nutritional value of coconut water is of absolute importance in my view. But you may need a certain portion of persistence in getting through the first part of the book, unless you are extremely motivated. - Tender - Health Food - Dehydration - Coconut - Green - Electrolyte'
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