For most of my life I've been practicing all sorts of sports, from football (high school), lacrosse and now Jiu Jitsu (for the last couple of years). Consistently putting my body under intense stress without breaks (I thought I was superman) resulted in severe muscle tension and lower back pain. I travel a lot for amateur competitions and I kept coming across people who would carry a mat with little spikes on it. This mat got me really interested, so when I asked about it I heard nothing but good things. Obviously I was skeptical but thought I had nothing to lose. When I researched acupuncture mats I came across Nayoya and thought I'd give it a try because of the low price.
Within a few days of use (2 times a day; after training & at night for 25 minutes each session), I've felt results that I doubted I would ever have. I actually started going to an acupuncturist recently, but after trying the Nayoya mat I decided to save my money and use it exclusively to test its benefits. My lower back pain has been decreasing every day! The way that this mat is allowing me to relax my body and reduce my muscle tension is quickly making it one of my favorite possessions. My back pain is reduced significantly and my attitude towards my training is way brighter than it has been in the past couple of years! I was so impressed that I decided to share my joy with you all and HIGHLY recommend anyone with migraines, back pain and even a poor mood to look into one! I'm sure there are other benefits that people may experience, this mat is great! Acupuncture Mat | Acupressure Mat for Back Pain Relief | (nail bed or spike mat) | Shakti mat | (Green)
I have three mats in the house one for me one for my mother and one for my wife and we all love it.
It helps me fall asleep if im having cases of insomnia due to stress or if i am too tense. I've also found that it helps untie the knots in my back. If there's something in particular thats bothering you--say your lower back or neck then you can put a rolled up towel underneath the mat and under that area to intensify the healing process and removed knots from that particular area . The mat also seems to make the blood start circulating again and give a tingly sensation.
Everyone should get one. The hundreds of plastic spikes might look scary but they feel so good on your body, very tingly feeling and relaxing!
My mother who is 64 years old uses this every night also before going to bed because it helps her relax and puts her in a good stress free mood.
My wife uses the mat after her yoga sessions and sometimes falls asleep on it after meditation.
I have Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome and am in pain every waking hour, a lot of the time severe pain. My whole upper body is full of tender points and knots. I have pain throughout my whole body, but the bulk of it is in my neck, shoulders, back, and down both arms. I've been out of work for over a year and am getting ready to go back. Since I bought this, I have confidence it will help me enough to handle a reduced schedule. I also have a shoulder and neck massager and a back massager, but this seems to help the most. I lay it on the floor with a yoga mat under the top to get into my neck. I wear a very thin shirt or use it on bare skin. If it's too much for you, just wear something thicker. When I lay on it, it's like I experience euphoria. I roll around on it and bring my knees into my chest and rock back and forth on my back and the pain is drastically diminished or goes away. The pain does come back, but I do it several times a day and look forward to doing it. I've also had many more bearable days since I started using it, so it just may have some longterm healing properties. I just can't stress enough how much this is helping me. If you have pain, you need to buy this. It could change your life, or at least, help you make it through the day and give you some relief. This is the best $30.00 I've ever spent!
I found out about the Nayoya Acupressure Mat from my aunt who uses it with her physical therapy patients and recommended it to me. For a while now, I have suffered from poor sleep cycles, bursts of migraines, stress and slight lower back pain. I was skeptical of the mat because I've never heard of it before but ordered it during the Cyber Monday sale.
I want to report that the results so far have been terrific. I am currently unemployed, therefore I have the freedom to use this mat 2-3 times per day for 20 minute sessions. I had a migraine the other day so I used the mat barefoot and stepped into the spikes for 5 minutes and the migraine went away.
My lower back feels much better and I am sleeping 6-7 hours per night now instead of 4 so I guess all in all this mat works the way it is advertised to work. It definitely exceeded my expectations and I highly recommend it.
I love this mat, its great for releasing stress after a long day of work. Laying on it for a half hour after work is better than deep tissue massages and relax you completely. I also noticed that if you stand on it barefoot it has reflexology benefits and alleviates my migraines without the need for an Advil or Excedrin!
I read the reviews about this mat before I ordered but I still had doubts. Well my mat arrived yesterday and I did just what one person had written about this mat. I lay down on the bed without a shirt. When I did I noticed the poking only for short time. I stopped focusing on my back and before I knew it I was sound asleep. I woke up only because my phone rang. I have to say this product is just amazing and I only used it once so far.
I was in a car accident last year june and i had to stop therapy bc the stuff they were using actually made my back worse. I have been going to the gym to sdee if my back get better and it has been making it a little better. But i still had a tingling in my lower back and my upper back was hurting from where i had acupuncture. I got this mat fast from amazon like in 4 days and i used it immediatly. It hurts like crazy if u lay on the floor with it without using a shirt. but after like two minutes the pain goes away and u can feel the circulation happeneing in your back. it felt so weird and my back felt hot and warm after i got up. but in less than 5 minutes of laying on it my lower back pain decreased a lot. I used it 3 times since for 5-8 minute sessions and this mat is great. My back pain is going away so fast and i am so happy i got this mat...if i can lay on it longer im sure with time my back pain would be illiminated. Please get this mat if u suffer form back pain it will help a lot!!!! - Yoga Mat - Back Pain Relief - Acupressure - Stress Relief'
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