This can open works like a charm. As others have observed, the first time you use it, you might not think it did anything, but it has cleanly split the soldered seam joining the lid to the body of the can. You can tell you've gone the entire 360° around the lid because the handle starts turning with less resistance.Some have said you have to lift the lid by inserting your fingernail into the split in the solder seam, or by using needle-nose pliers, but that's not true, at least not on the lastest model. OXO actually has included a tiny set of metal pincers on the side of the can opener opposite the turning knob that engage as you move the handles together -- they do a fine job of gripping the edge of the lid so you can lift it away from the body of the can. (They're just not an obvious feature unless you happen to read the very tiny instruction brochure that comes with the can opener.)As with all OXO "Good Grips" products, they've made this one ergonomic for ease of use, especially by people who have difficulty with their hands. The two handles you squeeze to get the can opener seated on the can lid are large and bulky enough to squeeze easily, with a rubbery feel that makes them non-slip. The knob or handle you turn is also large, bulky and rubbery so that it not only doesn't slip, it's easy to hold onto while you rotate it. Because the can opener is gear driven, it turns easily and smoothly as the can revolves.I still have my old Swing-A-Way can opener that cuts the lid out, a gear driven model that I can't fault for its performance. I've kept it around because I'm sure there might be an odd can or two that the newfangled can opener won't handle, but so far that hasn't happened.Another thing -- with this new OXO, since there's no blade cutting down through the lid to pick up food or liquid from inside the can, you have a can opener that stays way cleaner with no blade coated with accumulated black grunge.You can even put the lid back on the can if you want for refrigerator storage of unused portions of what's in the can (though I myself prefer putting leftovers in a plastic container with an airtight lid).I have no idea who thought of this method of opening a can, but it's brilliant -- a true example of thinking "outside the box."
The first day I had it, I wanted to open a can of something for dinner, and tried out my newest kitchen gadget. I followed the instructions, and it was essentially so effortless, and I couldn't see or feel anything happening other than the can rotating, that I thought "I'm either doing something wrong, or this doesn't work." But the fact is, the can was open, and all it took was a bit of a nudge (or the use of the pretty small, but effective clamps on the side of the opener) to remove the top. It totally lives up to its claim of no sharp edges!!! It's on my countertop all the time now, and the old electric can opener may just find its way to a second-hand store.
I wanted a hand-held can opener that would leave no sharp edges, & after reading reviews I chose the OXO Good Grips Smooth Can Opener.This can opener lives up to its name! Absolutely no sharp edges whatsoever, and it is incredibly easy to use. After having an inexpensive Swingaway brand for so long, this one is a dream. I no longer have to fight with opening cans....this one glides effortlessly around the lid---very, very smoothly. I actually look forward to opening cans now! I am amazed every time and wish I had known about this one long ago. Another added bonus worth mentioning is that after opening the can, you are able to lift the lid off & throw it away without ever having to touch it. This can opener opens cans cleanly with no mess, smooth lids/cans, with very little effort to do so.OXO Good Grips Smooth Edge Can Opener is well-worth the [money] paid for it!!!
When I first purchased this about 1.5 years ago it worked great. I love how it does not leave sharp edges. It started getting dull after about 6 months and now takes going around the can 2 or 3 times to open. I am thinking of just trashing and buying another just because I love it's operation so much. To make it perfect they should make it where you can replace the blade.
I can't believe I used to struggle with a super cheap metal no frills can opener. I also can't believe I almost bought an electric one because I was tired of hurting my hands turning impossible knobs. I was trying to stay away from electric openers because they're almost impossible to clean and seem to get gunky really fast. I had almost lost hope. Then I found this little wonder....
The best features of this can opener are:
-Super Easy to turn handle, almost feels like nothing's happening but then pop! the lid is off! I think I gave a little yipe of surprise the first time I used it and my husband thought I'd cut my finger off! No way, I don't think you could cut yourself if you tried using this thing.
-The lid NEVER falls into the can, never again do you have to fish the lid of the can out of the soup or tomatoes, or peaches..
-Super sleek looking, super comfy to hold
-Little metal 'jaws' to pry the lid off the can
-NO SHARP EDGES, nothing to cut holes in your garbage sack, no little fingers getting cuts, it's great.
Do your hands a favor, buy this super easy to use super fabulous can opener. The amazon.com price is a steal for what they sell for in my local stores.
UPDATE: This can opener gradually stopped working, to the point it wouldn't open anything at all. Thanks so OXO's great customer service, I sent it back and received a brand new can opener of a different model that I requested, (the i-series)and love it even MORE than the original smooth edge one I had previously purchased. If you are unhappy with an OXO product, I recommend contacting their customer service to help you. - Ergonomic - Oxo Good Grips - Smooth Edge - Kitchen - Oxo - Arthritis'
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