These work very well, for what they are, to protect your screen. They are slightly sticky (Think post it note) so it won't come off easily. But when you do peal it back to replace it does not leave any film behind. (again think Post-it-note) When you do put it on, be sure you do NOT touch the sticky side, it will ruin that piece as the oils from your finger will stick to it and it will not be as clean or transparent when put on the device. This is not hard to do, just cut to size and place using the peal-off backing to hold and the included plastic card to press down. Just make sure your device is CLEAN, any little flecks of dirt will also show up big time. Fellowes WriteRight Universal Screen Protector, 10 Pack
There seems to be a wide disparity in prices for small screen protector sheets, ranging from about $1 to $10 for just a single 3" x 5" (approx) sheet. The most expensive ones are custom-cut for your device. But if you are willing to do the cutting yourself, you can get away very cheaply with these Fellowes WriteRight Universal Screen protectors. They work great and are the cheapest around. Nice and glossy/slippery on the outward side, nice adhesion on the inside, with a nice stiff feel that seems to ensure they will last for a long time on your device. I put them on my kids DS and PSP, my cell phone, and my iPod about 2 months ago and they have been flawless.
I have trusted the Fellowes WriteRight line on my last 3 PDA's. Previously I used a hard green plastic cover that worked but was diminished the screen contrast quite a bit. This is different. The soft plastic is much like the type you peel off the front of new digital displays. I find they last for months even with heavy usage and do not diminish brightness or clarity to any great degree.
The only thing one must watch out for is the bubbling if the screen is put on carelessly. This is really annoying. An excellent product that only misses 5 stars due to the price for something so simple and inexpensive to make and distribute.
I have been using these for 2 years with good success. Cameras,phones,Ipods, even a small handheld television that use to be popular in the 80's.
As far as people complaining about the air bubbles, Dont fret it ! The small bubbles that are there slowly work themselves out and in shot while there will bo no bubbles.
This is so easy to use and has saved the screen on my digital camera. Wished I had known about this 3 years ago, my lasst camera screen got so scratched up I could hardly see anything in it. Have used it for my cellphone, and several other items. Doesn't cost much either.
I purchased this item to use on my blackberry curve. The 10 sheets have a handy grid underlay making cutting to size very easy. Very easy to apply. It is a great deal since I can get 2 applications per sheet for the Curve's screen. Will recommend to anyone looking for a great product to protect their phone/camera/ipod screens.
These of course work like they should.
They're clear and NOT matte so that's a huge plus.
I'm really picky about my screen protectors and when they come precut
There's always one corner that's not being reached and it just pisses me off
so I prefer these bad boys because I can cut them myself.
The graph on the opposite side definitely helps when cutting and makes sure
you're cutting straight.
If you love little project building with your hands, you're going to love putting your screen protector on.
Tip: Youtube how to do it.
If you don't have patience, repetitiveness, or simple eye hand coordination, you'll hate these and should
look for those precut ones.
Don't expect to put it on without bubbles the first time. It takes practice. I've put on about less than ten
screen protectors in my life and each time I get less and less bubbles. So expect them! And you'll see that you'll
get bubbles no matter the brand.
And with ten screens to go through at less than a buck each, you should have plenty of practice.
Sadly, the only con to these is that they don't cover my entire screen of my Evo4g. you could get away with just covering the lighted part of the screen and leave the 'home, menu, back, and find' uncovered, but I like the whole thing covered.
Oh well at least they weren't expensive.
five stars
tip: if you have dust in there use two pieces of tape to get it out.
first one on top to peel the screen off slightly, the other piece of tape, sticky side facing dust, dab, peel off, done!
Hope this helps.
I got these for my blackberry and ipod touch. They work fine and are easy to cut and apply. I was apprehensive at first with the number of so so reviews on Amazon, but what is a better alternative? Every screen protector gets so so reviews and some are much more expensive. When these wear out it is no big deal to slap another one on because they are cheap. Do not expect to have perfect application. The trick, IMO, is to start in one corner and carefully smooth out bubbles as you lay the plastic down. If you try and smooth them out from the center, it just doesn't seem to work as well and you scratch the surface in the process. The scratches do seem to happen, but I think that it is hardly noticeable at all once you turn the device on. It is noticeable if you are looking at the reflection off of the screen at a 45 degree angle. These are great and when I run out, I will buy more. BTW you can get two applications from one sheet and they last for a couple of months. - Screen Protectors - Photography - Fellowes - Cell Phone Accessories'
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