At first, what I really wanted was a cable organization system. Then I came across these ties, which I figured would be an inexpensive solution to tie my computer wires along the legs of my desk. Having done that, I must say it looks a lot cleaner. These sat on my desk for a couple of weeks when I found even more things to do with them... They're currently also holding up a rope light to the back of my TV (for some ambient light) and they're doing that job wonderfully. All in all, a great product, and definitely priced right for the amount of things it can do.
One thing to be careful of though, is that even though it is not the traditional "velcro" as you know it (e.g. hooks and a fuzzy cloth on the other side), these do still stick to a Swiffer duster if you take one over it. Velcro Reusable Self-Gripping Ties, 0.5 Inches x 8 Inches, Black/Gray, 50 Ties per Pack (90924)
I bought these ties to hold my computer against the back wall of my desk and they work well enough, but there's another product somewhere on amazon that gives you twice as much for a similar price. I didn't buy that because it lost its super saver shipping when i tried to buy it.
That said, this product serves its purpose and won't give out to a decent amount of force (pulling apart parallel to the adhesive).
I purchased these over a decade ago back when they sold them only in 10 packs (I bought three), and they've lasted for that time and still work today. Relative to those, these are a total steal in price. :-)
A few of these were in rotation for my daily travel bag's power supplies and such so don't worry about wearing them out. Granted they pick up lint and hair like nobody's business, but even now, when I've replaced most of their duties with CableBuddies, I still have need to cinch down cable BUNDLES in a few places and these do the job. And for that, the fancy "colored" ones don't serve half as good cable duty (you don't want to exactly draw attention to bundles).
Over the old velcro tape design that I used before that, these have a loop. The way you use it is to choose one "key" cable (or the end of a cable) and loop it around and threw the loop tightly. Then you wrap it around the bundle and velcro it down. Should for hundreds (or thousands) of adjustments.
So here is the low down. For 90% of what others suggest you buy these things for, you should get CableBuddies, if you can afford them. Remember CableBuddies bulk work to a little under $1 per, while these are a tenth the cost (then again, CableBuddies are made in the USA and have higher cost materials). On the other hand, how expensive are the devices and appliances you are bundling? Is $1/cable really going to set you back? But if you want to bundle cables or are on a tight budget, these are the best things going (if you are on a real tight budget, that you buy a roll of velcro tape and cut your own, I suggest getting out of the cabling business) . Also there are some things the CableBuddies are too small to chinch down and you are better off with these.
I think color is a personal thing, but if you are color coding, my thought is get something like a CableBuddy. And since most cabling is still black, these things will disappear. In situations where white cabling is involved, you will notice those are "single cable" situations (iMac/Powerbook, surround speaker wire, etc.). There are exceptions--my subwoofers are in my speaker set and the high end subwoofer cable is not black, XBOX seems to have a penchance for the color gray, etc.--but not enough to warrant actually getting any color other than what Henry Ford recommends (any color you want, as long as it is black).
For travel, other than power, look for retractable USB cables (MacAlly even makes one for the iPod).
I'd have given this 5 stars years ago, but since that time (cable buddies, cable boxes, retractable cabling), I feel its utility is diminishes it a star. Another star is because I think after a decade, they would have switched the the denser velcro design, so it won't pick up dust or carpet lint or hair. Some of my cable ties are little dust animals in their own right after years of service. :-)
The cable ties that I have used in the past are much thicker and look like they would hold up better. Initially these look very thin and like they would break easily and not hold tight. But, the velcro seems to hold well and pulling on one of them they seem to be stronger than they look.
These are fantastic ties. I have bought several packs. They are extremely useful and easy to use. They are also sold at some of the self-improvement stores and "Wally World".
Being 8 inches long, sometimes I cut these in half, which works better for smaller needs.
25 ties are black and 25 are gray. Also, these are "Made in USA". Highly recommended!
When I saw the price, I was expecting something much more cheaply made and designed than these are. They have a hole on one end that you use to make a loop than can be drawn very tight and then instead of just one patch of velcro, you can wrap these around on themselves several times to make a nice tight hold on your cables.
I can see lots of uses for these other than cables...put tags on things without worrying about them coming off, wrap up cords for travel, ...
This is a good product with lots of uses. Don't be put off by the low price, this is a quality solution if you have a lot of cords to get under control. - Ties - Reusable - Velcro - Cable Organizers'
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