An inexpensive item can always be a 'bang' or a 'bust'. This being only a few dollars, I was not sure. But it is perfect for my needs...I don't like wearing the provided 'headset' which is provided with the dictation software, Dragon Naturally Speaking, and this convenient microphone sitting on my desk, on the left as the mouse is on the right of the keyboard, makes a nice complement to my workspace. The older style mini-plug will plug into any PC, new or old, in the Audio In port, and there is no setup - just plug it, reboot, and go! The computer recognizes it as a new device, and so does Dragon, and you are all set! A great value in my opinion. When not in use, I just turn it away from me, toward the computer screen, and it is out of the way, but handy. The voice pickup is perfect -- clean and clear. Logitech Labtec Desktop Microphone 600
First off, I'm surprised not many has reviewed this product. I bought this Logitech Microphone at Walmart for the retail price of $8.88.
-The microphone is virtually dirt cheap at $8.88 with the always usual reliable Logitech brand.
-It records what I need to record.
-Did I not already say it's cheap and does the job?
I'm sure there were better options out there, but I'm not complaining. I looked at the product at Walmart and said, "hey what the heck, why not? It's Logitech!" Then I came home wondering if I had actually invested my sub-ten-dollar money wisely. Turns out there was a disgruntled user who did not like this product.
-Anyway, I disagree. It works. It records. And DO feel better if you were like me, trying to feel better about my purchase through reading others' reviews on Amazon!
My PC has speakers on the monitor but no built in mic. I needed a mic input to use the pc with MagicJack. Having on my sound card a 3.5mm plug in provision, the simplest way was to use a "corded" as opposed to bluetooth mic. Nobody has ever commented about my "audio" - so I am assuming it sounds like a regular telephone. I use the desktop stand, but also supplied is a "stick on" mount to affix to the monitor or where ever you desire. Simple, cheap and effective.
I tried this microphone on two different computers with the same result. Sound was muffled and unintelligible when tested on Skype. When I did an actual call using Skype, I got nothing but complaints - low volume and muffled sound. So back to Amazon.com it went.
I purchased this microphone to be used with my Dragon software (speech to text software). It would only pick up my voice if I put my mouth about 3 inches away. So if you're planning on suicide or desktop, and sitting comfortably in your chair, it just doesn't work.
I thought it might just be the fact that I was trying to use it for the software, but when I tried it again using several other programs, the results were no better.
So, I would definitely recommend spending a little more money to buy a nicer microphone.
I bought one of these (from a supermarket, not Amazon) to use in making podcasts. I was hoping I could use it to record guest lectures and publish them online for a university student organization I'm involved with. Unfortunately, it did not work at all. I promptly tested on my 2008 model MacBook White when I got home. I plugged it in per included instructions (which were merely "plug device into line-in jack"). I ran two different open source recording programs (which tend to have the best compatibility in my experience) and neither of them were able to detect any sound from the device. There are no drivers or other installation software for this device. I returned it to the store the same day. I didn't test it on any other systems, since for my purposes I needed it to work with my Mac specifically.
I bought this little microphone with a bit of apprehension,since I needed a microphone for speech recognition. To my surprise it works extremely well! Despite the fact of being a desktop microphone it picks up sounds from ( at least from my experience) about a foot and a half away ( this is based on the fact that I needed for Rosetta Stone). However, it works from farther away for simple video chatting ( tested with the hotmail messenger). Another pro is that is within a relative low budget ( being a college student this is extremely important) and it works very well for the price. The only con that I could find for it, is that it takes space in my desk--so for space convenience it might be better idea to get headset.
I bought this to use with speech recognition in Windows 7. It sits on my desktop, about 2 feet from my face.
When training the computer (part of first setting up speech recognition) Windows warns you that a headset mike would be better, and desktop mikes aren't optimal for speech recognition. This mike, though, has been working perfectly; the computer has had no trouble hearing me.
The cord is nice and long, the stand is stable and sturdy and the mike angle is adjustable. Windows recognized it right away. It's a basic microphone, and it works just fine for my purposes. - Lecture - Accessories - Audio - Podcasting'
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