I review supplements that I have a great familiarity with and have used in comparison with others in its genre. I have been working out for about 3-4 years now and have used a variety of protein shakes on the market. For guys who are not born genetically able to build rapid muscles without a strict diet plan, gaining size in muscle is extremely difficult.
With MuscleMilk, i'm just going to jump straight to the point. If you're looking to build muscle fast along with your regular workouts, I strongly recommend this product. It'll put the weight on you faster than anything i've ever used. However, beware of the calorie content in Muscle Milk. I haven't found it to be exactly a "lean formula" as it promises, but it does help add on some extra pounds for building muscle on the other hand.
If you're a hardgainer, go for MuscleMilk. If you're looking for a protein to help you build muscle but keep a very lean, cut frame, then I recommend Nature's Best Isopure (if your budget sees fit.) If not, Muscle Milk in conjunction with lots of carido and Prolab creatine monohydrate should do the trick.
I've been reading quite a few reviews on Muscle Milk just to get a feel if others shared my experiences with it. What I find is just about half the reviews talk about nothing more than how great it tastes. That would be fine if the product were a very expensive milkshake, but it's a muscle enhancing product and there are little details in these reviews about whether or not it worked for them. So let me share. Yes, it did give me results. I am 41, 6'1, 210 lbs and after using MM for about 6 weeks there was a very noticable expansion of lean muscle and reduction of fat, particularly around my midsection. I am not new at this, I have been working out since I was in my early 20s. Tried lots of different products all pledging to do everything but change my oil. I have been MM for three years now, cycling it every 6 weeks when in heavy training and for 2-3 months when training light. Yes, it does deliver. And yes, it does contain a lot of sugar and fat so make sure you balance your diet to compensate for that. I also stack it with an amplified creatine monohydrate, green tea supplements, and fish oil. Also use L-Glutamine along with my MM shake after each workout for proper recovery. Just be careful with MM as it WILL make you fat if you are not eating clean and staying consistent with your training. Otherwise I do recommend it highly. Oh...and it tastes great.
I was a little skeptical about this product as I'm not looking to get huge muscles (the name "Muscle Milk" almost stopped me from using it)... but it got good reviews and my friends like it, so I thought I'd try it.
First off, this stuff tastes great! I don't even feel the need to use milk, I just blend it with ice and water. It's more than enough to keep me full between meals or curb hunger post-workout. I'm not sure about the "muscle building" properties but I was able to lose weight and inches by substituting Muscle Milk for sweets -- so, at the very least it's a good way to get my chocolate fix without completely derailing all my hard work at the gym.
I'm just finishing up my current tub of Cytosport's Muscle Milk protein powder, and I'm very impressed.
This is my first time trying Muscle Milk, by the way. I've always heard a lot of good things said about Muscle Milk (taste and quality wise), and at the first chance, I picked up a tub of cookies and cream flavor.
I was scared at first because its high in calories but its good calories. I take it before bedtime and i lost 12pds in 30 days.
I tried alot of other brands and does not mix well in shakers for on the go meal. This is the best mixing protein shake i ever tried. - Protein - Weightlifting - Protein Powder - Supplements - Nutrition Shakes - Healthy Fats'
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