My roommate had a older-model macbook with a battery that could maybe last 5 minutes without the charger. Since he never really needed it off the charger and the cost of the official battery is outrageous, I figured I'd surprise him with a gift to help a fellow mac user.
This battery installed decently enough. The color and the fit were not quite right, but it's hardly noticeable; unless you like starring at the bottom of your computer that is.
My biggest complaint was that his battery wasn't recognized as present in the OS. Sure, it works, but without knowing how much power there is left in the thing, it's kinda worthless. The only indication we get is the power button on the battery itself, which requires turning the thing over and pressing it. This maybe due to the fact that he's running Tiger, but I don't know.
Anyway, it was a risk worth the money, but it didn't really change anything, so if I could do it again, I'd pass. Extended Capacity 5600 mAh Laptop Battery For Apple Macbook 13" Series
I have had trouble with Apple batteries for my 13" Macbook. The batteries seem to rapidly lose their charge
capacity, my last one was down to about 1 minute, so I thought I would try a 3rd party battery. It worked well for the first couple of days, holding a charge and was a reasonable fit. On day 3 however it would not allow the start-up procedure for my computer when turning it on. I had to remove the battery and us the ac wall plug only or it would never start up. Also, as others have noted, the computer is not able to calculate the amount of time left on a charge and many times the computer does not recognize the battery as being installed. It seems these two issues are widespread and should be corrected by the manufacturer. I have returned the battery, customer service seems responsive - I am hoping they will replace with a battery capable of starting up and running my macbook, I will post an update when I receive the new battery.
Alright! People are saying that it "doesn't fit right." It is a slightly different shade of white, fits a little TINY bit crooked, but who cares? It's $40 and it allows me to use my macbook without my power supply connected for at least a few hours at a time. If you aren't super concerned with how the underside of your mac looks, then get this battery. This battery holds a charge for three to four hours usually, and generally shows the correct amount of usage time left. Although it isn't as long as I used to get with my original mac battery, it's better than having my laptop come unplugged and having it shut off. I say, for $40, this is a great replacement battery.
Okay my battery was out on the Mac for awhile but come on who is really crazy enough to buy a battery for $120 when you have tablets coming out for close to it. LOL! Its not the perfect fit but you not looking at the back it doesn't buldge out and guess what it holds a charge. The price is reasonable and it didn't say it was apple so hey. Since I have had it I haven't had any complaints. Its a battery and it works so now I am mobile again.
This is a very good product. It works well with the exception that the battery time remaining is inaccurate which has caused the trusty Mac go to sleep without notice. However I would definitely not pay more for the battery at the Apple store, since my brother did and his has the same problem.
So this battery works, but that's about the extent of the good things. It doesn't match the color of the MacBook. It doesn't sit flush in the battery slot. I've got a battery again, but everytime I touch the bottom of the laptop it feels like something's wrong. - Mac Battery - White - Macbook Battery - Sunvalleytek'
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