You know, the last thing I need is yet another addictive game on my Kindle!
This is a pretty fast version of the classic hand-held game we all played and many times were frustrated with growing up. There are several options you can choose, such as manually moving the tiles or having the Kindle do it automatically (choose automatic as it goes a lot faster and is less frustrating), you can have some "cheat" tips disguised as play tips, and you can make the various puzzles small / medium / large (I like the default medium setting).
On the left-hand side is a timer and on the right-hand side is your fastest time. Needless to say, my "fastest" time is like a tortoise, and I can feel an apprehension on me as the timer ticks, ticks, and keeps on ticking.
The graphics are very crisp and the response time is very fast on my Kindle 3 as compared to the slowness I saw on the free Kindle poker game, so this is a huge improvement. Now, I need to get my kids interested in this one as I believe it makes them think strategically vs. playing a shoot-em-up game.
Overall, I think most people will enjoy this and you certainly can't beat the free price.
Now, if I can just find time to read on my darn Kindle.... Number Slide
Amazon Digital Services does it again -- adding value to owning a Kindle by providing well-made games for free. Automatic tile movement makes the game a breeze to play, and these tiles move a lot better than the little Chiclet ones in the plastic versions. Automatic tile movement doesn't mean the game is played for you; it just means that when you move to a tile adjacent to the sole empty square, that tile automatically moves to the empty square, which is the only place it can move. You don't have to click on the tile. Nice graphics with the tiles edged to indicate where they go. Loving my Kindle 3 for both reading and games!
Use your brain to figure out where to move the numbers to get them in order. This game is fun for adults, and good for children too. Beat your own score, and play with different levels- the bigger you choose the screenshot of the game to be, the more numbers are on it. Great graphic design, format, tips, and easy to play on your kindle. A really fantastic Amazon treat.
Wow, what a fun game this is, especially now that I've paid attention to the instructions and have learned how to move more than one tile at a time!! The Instructions menu is extensive enough to give you some valuable playing tips for this little game. I had the tiles moving automatically and was getting increasingly frustrated. Then I discovered if I put the tile movement on 'manual' I could slide multiple tiles in the same direction, then press the 5-way switch and they all moved together. At this point I'm not worried about my time score from one game to the next, I'm just letting myself become more and more comfortable with playing the game on the Kindle. And actually winning! The Kindle lets me chose between three sizes of puzzles and the manual or automatic tile movement. For a while I thought the "size" of the puzzle meant how much space it took up on the screen so I initially chose medium. I decided to try the "large" size and discovered that it actually means the number of tiles in a game. The small size uses 8 tiles, the medium size 15 tiles and the large size 24 tiles. That 24 tile game is a real challenge for me and my time shows it!
According to the directions the automatic tile movement will give you faster times in game solving because you eliminate the need to press the 5-way to move the tiles. I will gladly ignore my horrible time score in favor of actually completing the game any day of the week. (I'm probably just playing mind games with myself anyway to think the multiple tile slide moves me along better.) Who knows, I might even get the times down to a respectable number and let my kids and grandkids see them.
I normally do not like this type of game, but since it was free, I decided to add it on my Kindle. I played it and liked it - it was easy to do and gives me something to do when I get tired of reading. It's easy to maneuver with the option of automatic slide when there is an empty place. I believe if I had to sit there and slide the numbers, I would not have enjoyed this game. I love it when Amazon offers something for free and just not because it's free, but because they seem to pick out the right ones that people may be interested in. I know I would not have ever downloaded this game if not offered. Thanks Amazon!
I'm a fanatic when it comes to those old plastic sliding puzzles where you have to put numbers in order when they're mixed up or where you have to make a picture out of mixed up pieces. Those were great fun as a child and even more fun as an adult. Then Kindle came out with this game and I've not had so much fun with a "simple" game in a long time! Too cool! This number slide game (out of all the ones out there for the Kindle) has the best graphics, the best controlling, etc of all the games currently available. Highly recommend it.
Great price for a fun game. Nothing new - this game has been around forever but with my age quickly approaching the old status it's good for the brain to stay active and games like this help. I highly recommend it.
This is a rather easy and fun free kindle game. There are sixteen boxes in a square. One is open. The others have numbers 1-15. The numbered boxes are not in order. The object is to move the boxes so that they are sequential - 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., with the blank box at the lower right. Ample, easy to read instructions are given along with helpful tips. Also the kindle can give additional tips while you are playing. You have to option of the size of the board. I found that I could do the puzzle in less than five minutes and enjoyed doing so. - Kindle - Games - Puzzles - Kindle Active Content'
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