Milwaukee wrote the book on Sawzalls, and this new one continues the legend. I looked at all the models both here on Amazon and on the factory site. I will be using it for home projects so I didn't feel I need either maximum power or orbital action. I have used it on two different projects-pruning and beam cutting and I'm totally satisfied! I needed to flush cut the end of a 4"x6" beam in a difficult spot. It cut through like butter, and at the end of the cut which ended at a projecting eave, I could feather the switch and just cut the beam without damaging the eave. I think the orbital action would not have made that possible-to much bouncing around. I've also used it for heavy pruning and with the ability to get the blade into tight places makes all the difference! It sure has all the power I'll ever need, and it's not quite as heavy as the 15amp model. If you don't need it for heavy demo or construction I think you'll be happy! Added bonus-MADE IN USA!! Milwaukee 6519-31 12 Amp Sawzall Reciprocating Saw Kit
This is the best reciprocating saw on the market and I would like to have given 4.9 out of 5. It is compact and not a monster. I find that Milwaukee is very conservative in their designs and I hate it. Some tools look like they were made in the 1980's even though they are from 2010. This tools actually looks sleek and kinda modern (finally).
Now to the bad...the pivoting shoe is not adjustable! That is the only complaint I have about this saw. Why would you not include an adjustable shoe Milwaukee... I mean was it that hard to incorporate a small stupid, cheap mechanism that allows the shoe to be adjusted. It would have cost a few more pennies and IF you had done that, I would have bought 2 of these saws.
I have used reciprocating saws before and I always find the shoe adjustment to be very necessary, you see when cuting a pipe the shoe keeps the blade perfectly perpendicular to the pipe so the cut is perfect... everytime. Now when you got a wall behind the pipe you want to adjust the shoe so that it only cuts the pipe and not the wall.
I am a bit angry and sad at the same time that Milwaukee missed this, I would have gladly paid 10 bucks more for this feature.
When it comes to reciprocating saws, I have tried most brands during my construction career,and Milwaukee remains the hallmark of the bunch. I ordered this updated 12A model, and I am in love with it. Plenty of power, great cord, awesome ergonomics, and probally one of the last brands of reciprocating saws to be assembled in the USA. The problem was deciding on whether to choose the 3/4 or the 1-1/8 stroke length. In tight spots the shorter is nice, because these tools can beat you up between dimension lumber. I ordered the longer stroke, giving a wide wear band on blades and cutting faster, accepting that their will be a time or two that I get in situation where I'll end up bloodying a knuckle or two and bending or snapping a blade. This kit does not come with a free blade, but I think Milwaukee is wise to keep the price competitive by limiting give away blades. Most guys that buy Milwaukee have at least few blades laying around -if not order an assortment with the tool and enjoy the free shipping. Milwaukee -thank you for manufacturing the best.
I have bamboo groves and palm trees on my property and this saw has made my life much easier. I have even used it to cut oak for firewood. In many ways it is easier to use and works better than a chainsaw for smaller limbs. With a pruning blade it makes trimming and thinning a snap and I am pleased to say the blades are very tough and long lasting as well. I wish I would have bought this saw years ago.
This is my 3rd sawzall I purchased for my construction co. and this one is the best.
I also purchased several sawzall blades(the ax and also the heavy duty blades for
remodeling.This sawzall with the 1 and 1/8" stroke is absolutely the best.
Solid tool all around. Rugged feel and case, beefy cord. Easy quick locking mechcanism for blades. Makes really short work of 2X6's and 1/2" plywood. Comes with only a couple blades, but luckily for around 30$ shipped you can get a big Milwaukee blade kit on Amazon as well. A great value at the Amazon price.
The other positive reviews are right on target. A couple of additional notes:
- Mine says Assembled in USA with foreign and USA made parts. Well, that's better than any other brand.
- It also comes with a molded plastic carrying large enough for a bunch of blades as well. The description doesn't state this.
- It dosen't seem quite as well balanced as the ones that I remember from 15 years ago or so. But then, I never owned my own, only briefly used others. Anyway, it's better that my old Black & Decker by a long shot.
I picked one of these up at the local orange store because I needed to do some tree pruning and light demolition. Though the smallest Sawzall by amperage, its got enough power to tackle anything around the home or farm. If you are a professional tradesmen, I would spring for the Super Sawzall or the cordless 28v. I researched and thought about going bigger but I now know I definitely didn't need to.
I bought this saw specifically for pruning. I didn't expect much from this saw due to the price and lack of features as compared to other sawzalls. Boy, was I wrong!One thing for sure,this saw certainly isn't lacking in power! I own several other sawzalls: Milwaukee models 6538-21,6522-21,6536-21 and an 18 volt cordless Milwaukee,also Makita models JR3070CT and BJR182Z. All our fine tools. Milwaukee sets the standard for heavy duty. Thank you AMAZON for providing quality tools at reasonable prices.
I bought the 12 amp version because it was made in the US and of its reputation with tradesman. I recently demolished a 2500 square foot two story house using crowbars and this saw. I used it to cut cast iron pipes, sections of roofing 4 inches thick, and everything from 2x4s up to a box sill 8 inches thick. It handled everything I could throw at it and some stuff the saw was probably not designed for. The quick change blade holder really came in handy when I was 40 feet in the air cutting a roof apart. Just a fantastic tool and I will recommend it without reservation.'
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