Alright, I'm a serious COD fan and I logged almost a month on Modern Warfare 2, and a little over a half a month on all the other COD titles. You all know what the prestige edition comes with, as it is all listed above, but is it truly worth the extra money?
It's hard to say. It certainly cool and I waited outside of my local Best Buy at 9pm before the midnight release to get in line to make sure I got a copy. The ONLY thing that comes with the prestige edition that is not included in the hardened edition is the RC-XD killstreak remote controlled car. That being the only thing different-I'll go over it a bit.
--It feels cheap and very light (not complaining, exactly what I would expect-I didn't expect a serious quality RC car).
--It takes 12 AA batteries, 6 in the remote and 6 in the car, which drain pretty fast. (especially if the camera is on)
--The car zips around pretty well but won't do well in the grass at all.
--I've played with RC cars all my life and this one is a little difficult to handle. The turns are crazy sharp with the steering dial on the right of the remote, it takes a very steady hand to carefully steer the car.
--The camera (as expected, not complaining) is very low quality and it is impossible to drive while just looking at the screen on the remote. The lens is faced upward and if you're driving it on the street or in the house you cannot see the ground to see where you're going, you see the top 2/3 of a level of a house.
--The microphone is pretty sensetive so if it is on, you'll constantly hear the gears and mechanisms from inside the car and will come through on your remote and it sounds like a cheap $5 toy car engine sound.
As far as gameplay goes, it varies, and truly, it's all depending on what COD games you like the most. I've read other reviews and I do agree with others that it feels a lot like World at War with some minor additions. The online play is not as smooth as IW's Modern Warfare 2 or even COD4.
I think the online gameplay takes some adjusting to after playing MW2 because MW2 was so fast paced and sometimes predictable. The spawnpoints on Black Ops from my experience have been all over the place. I very regularly find myself spawning behind people and saying "man I'd be pissed if I was that guy" and many times I AM that guy. The refresh rate is not that of MW2 and the graphics in multiplayer really suffer. I thought that with the popularity of the COD franchise that they would only stride to make each addition better than the last, but truly I think this one falls short. You buy all of your attachments with bets (or contracts) wagered, and that's actually pretty fun. It's like the same thing as challanges, but it puts a little more pressure on you because you have a time limit. Stopping power and danger close are gone, as is one man army. But because there aren't really noobtubes with one man army or people using stopping power and trailblazing, I find that there are MANY MORE campers in here, sitting back trying to achieve their higher killstreaks. Killstreaks do not count toward other killstreaks, so if I get my RC-XD remote controlled explosive car, and get 2 kills..that still doesn't mean I get my carepackage--I still have to shoot/knife/grenade someone myself. This was apparently a complaint of "the rich get richer/poor gets poorer." I personally think if people are having troubles with a game they shouldn't cry about it on blogs and complain to creators because they cannot personally do well in a video game-that's your own fault. Multiplayer in conclusion, not what I expected. I'm getting used to it, but I'm going to miss the pace of MW2 and the way you unlock attachments for weapons instead of having to buy them.
The compaign mode is great. The graphics are MUCH better and I really wish they would have focused on making their graphics better for online play instead of stupid things like putting your clan tag on your gun and things that most people could do without. One thing I loved about World at War was the super satisfying shotgun to the legs during campaign where they blow off, and there's plenty of that here. A great assortment of weapons and plenty to do, including the use of vehicles. I really have no complaints about the campaign, it's very fun and you'll absorb it right away.
Of course zombies are great! I think they focused harder on zombies than they did multiplayer also, atleast as far as graphics go. Automated turrets and all kinds of fun stuff to do! Plus, with the prestige or hardened edition, you get the 4 original maps-which is a great value considering what I spent on WAW mappacks in the past. It's fun playing the old maps with the additions of the new guns. I loved playing on Nacht der Untoten and going upstairs and cornering myself in and lining up headshots with the new guns. Of course everyone will like nazi zombies. I personally think Treyarch should be responsible for COD-Nazi Zombies and release a Nazi Zombie based game with a campaign and everything.
Well, that's my review. conclusion- Campaign is great, multiplayer lacks in my personal opinion, zombies are great=4/5. If you're a serious collector, go for the prestige and get your RC-XD like I did and let me know what you think of it. I really hope it was helpful to somoene, please vote and let me know whether is helped you out and leave any comments or questions and I'd be happy to promptly respond. Thanks everyone! Call of Duty: Black Ops - Xbox 360 - Video Games - Call Of Duty - Shooter'
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