It's super thin, so it's ergonomic for your wrists. It has repositionable adhesive, so it won't move around and drive you crazy. The surface is designed for Optical Mouse. (It even saves the battery for wireless mouse).
I use it with my Magic Mouse. It's just awesome.
Best mouse pad ever 3M Precise Optical Mousing Surface (MP200PS)
I really love how this pad stays in position when using it and the size is right for like the 10 inch laptop/notebook.
con; does not work on all mice, it works on 4 out of 5 mice. The mouse that I bought it is eratic and jumps around, It is a hp for notebooks. The mouse wooks fine on solid color surfaces.
Have a 13.3" MacBook Aluminum and the Magic Mouse I bought simply would not track on the Lextra® (Country Heritage Stars), MouseRug®, black and gold, 10.25" x 7.125", one I purchased. So under the recommendation of other Mac users, I purchased the 3M Optical Mousepad. Looks good... very professional with a Mac-esque style. However, the mousing surface will NOT stay in position on my glass desk. Furthermore, it skews the tracking speed so each time I change mice, I have to mod the Mouse preferences. It's quite bizarre. While I really wanted this to work, it simply doesn't cut mustard. So back it goes!
I've owned a number of 3M's "mousing surface"s over the years, and this is the best yet. It's very thin--1/32" or less, and doesn't get in the way of keyboards, your wrist, coffee cups, etc. The back has a low-tack adhesive, like a Post-It note, so it stays perfectly flat and doesn't slide around, but you can easily lift it up and move it around.
The surface texture is less aggressive than the older versions, but optical mice track perfectly and I imagine a mechanical one would, too. The size is nice, although it might be a bit better if it was arced a bit and not a rectangle. Overall, it's just about perfect.
I like everything about this mouse pad, and in particular that it's so thin and can be repositioned because of the adhesive on the back. The tacky back is a great feature, and having the mousepad remain stable is great. I'm looking forward to squeezing a little more life out of the batteries in my wireless mouse.
3M's retail package for this mouse pad clearly states that the pad is 7 x 8.5 inches. Amazon's current (May 2011) description of this mouse pad states that it's 8.1 x 9.2 inches, and THAT IS WRONG. It's a little disappointing to get something smaller than expected/advertised, but I'll manage. 3M gets fives stars from me for their product - I can't blame them for Amazon's mistake/misrepresentation.
For the record, I reported this mistake to Amazon the same day I wrote this product review, and they acknowledged it. It will be interesting to see how long it takes for the correction to be made to their description. I don't think they are intentionally trying to fool anyone - it's just a simple mistake that they should fix. . .soon. I also included a photo of the package showing the actual size of the mouse pad.
I have been using this mouse pad for six months and now the surface of my wood desk is all sticky, right where my wrist goes in front of the mouse pad. Yuck. I originally got it because my wireless mouse would burn through batteries very quickly. I guess it helped a little in that regard. - Mouse Pad - Mousepads - Optical Mouse - Mousepad'
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