First let me start by saying I wanted to give this 3 1/2 stars as it is a solid video with lots of good information. I have both this volume and the first for the 5D Mk.II and I thought the first video was a really good introduction to the basic controls of the camera and how the controls affected different aspects of one's images. The 5D has a lot of menu choices though and the more advanced features simply wouldn't fit in the first video as well.
I assumed, logically, that the advanced features of the camera would be explained more in depth in this second video and that the video would take its time covering these options for the duration of the entire video. Essentially I expected both volumes to serve as a video version of a camera specific user's guide. What the second volume is in reality is 50% exploration of some of the 5D and 50D camera advanced settings and 50% discussion of non-camera specific photography/lighting/and image processing topics. One section of the video, for example, spends a good deal of time covering color profile settings in image processing software and the importance of managing color for a consistent image across different mediums. Another spends a lot of time demonstrating the use of gels on a flash or a light box to create different lighting effects. It seemed like about half of the video was a variety of non-camera specific topics such as this, and the sections that did deal specifically with specific camera settings were often glanced over quite quickly (though not all). There is still a good bit of content in the custom functions that were never looked at.
Now, as I said, the content is good content but covering color profiles as much as they did, as an example, was not what I expected in this video. If I wanted to learn that, I'd have gotten a book or video on that topic. If I'd wanted to learn lighting techniques, I'd have gotten a book or video on that topic. If I'd wanted an overview on processing raw, etc. etc. I don't mind them taking a minute or two to explain one of these topics generally to provide context for an explanation of one of the camera's settings or features, but a 15 to 20 minute digression on color management seemed inappropriate for a video that I felt should have focused specifically on advanced topics specific to the 5D and 50D. If you're looking for a video to get acquainted with your 5D or 50D, then by all means get the first volume of this set specific to your camera. If you're looking for a good and deep exploration of the advanced features of your camera that goes beyond the first video, then be aware that this second volume might leave you, like it did me, a bit disappointed and wanting more content specific to your camera and less depth of coverage of non-camera specific photography and image processing concepts. Introduction to the Canon 5D Mark II/50D, Vol. 2: Advanced Topics
I was looking for a product that would help improve my photography skills and teach me more than just the basics of working the camera. There was much I didn't really understand about lighting and photographic composition that was covered here and it was presently clearly and in easy to understand terms. I really am getting the most out of my camera now and I highly recommend this DVD. It was really helpful and my pictures are turning out much better!
Being able to watch the instruction with my camera in hand has been a big help to me in learning my way thru the camera menu. Not only does this DVD show you where to make the changes it also shows why you want to use certain settings.
This is a good video, however I think the instructor is not what I consider to be a great instructor. Moves to quickly, (talks too fast).
It is still worth watching as I have not found a better video at this time.
Generally, it's a disappointing instructional video. Much of the time we see the close-up shot of a host who speaks quite fast and in a flat manner, showing he doesn't understand the subject he is reading about off camera. No pauses to stress the importance of some information, it's really confusing and the information is even better explained in Canon's Instruction Manual. There is only one section where a professional photo technician talks knowledgeably about color and printing, making the subject very understandable, and he is the responsible for the two stars I gave to this video.
Almost all topics included in this video are not "advanced" at all. But, even though, you could've made a better product by including professional photographers as instructors. Not readers.
These Blue Crane videos are a great way to learn the functions of your 5D Mark II. The instructions are clear. The sections are small and easy to digest. Seeing a visual of how to negotiate functions makes it so easy to understand. - Canon - Photography - Digital Slr - Canon 5d Mark Ii'
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