As a beginner in Macro Photography, I found this book useful. It was thorough starting at the beginning by describing what macro photography is and the various pieces of equipment needed. The author then moves into more technical information such as lighting and depth of field. In his photos, he fully describes which camera was used, which lens, f-stops, shutter speeds, ISO, and additional information. At the end of each chapter he gives an "assignment" and encourages you to post your photo on a particular web site.
He goes beyond the most obvious macro subjects of flowers and insects. He covers everyday objects, beauty of textures, abstracts, and people.The book is filled with many photos to learn from.
I like the fact that it was not written so technically that I could not understand it. It was easy reading.Highly recommended for the beginner who wants to learn about macro photographer. Macro Photography Photo Workshop
By concentrating on small images and texture representation a photographer's overall approach and finished results can appear more professional. MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTO WORKSHOP is thus an outstanding title not just for working macro photographers seeking to improve their results, but for any looking to understand macro images in everyday surroundings, and use the latest camera devices to capture the best shots. From common macro problems and digital editing techniques to shooting insects, flowers and more, MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTO WORKSHOP is especially recommended as a supplemental classroom text for any photographer moving beyond the beginner levels.
Diane C. Donovan
California Bookwatch
Macro Photography
reviewed by Dr. Eric Flescher, Olathe, KS:
Publisher: Wiley
Pages: 253
$30 USB
36 Canada
20 UK
Strengths: Magnificent layout makes the book easy to read. Superb general examples of photography, close-ups, large screen shots and (photoshop) screen well done. The author has included many insightful ways of looking and dealing with Macro Photography as well as photography in general. Breadth and depth covered in excellent fashion. This book is Intuitively written and easy to understand.
Weaknesses: This is not a tutorials guide per sey. You have to "digest " the readings slowly step by step like a textbook. The tutorials are learned through these worthwhile readings. If you want a quick guide is not for you (but you will miss a great book!).
Novice/ Intermediate/ Advanced
Most of my photography has been with nature, sky and other worldly objects, using telephoto, regular or other lenses. Lately however I have seen objects such as spiders, plants and other objects that show objects close up. Having dabbled in taking close-up pictures of spiders, flowers, moths and more, I thought it lucky i that a book called Macro Photography appeared at the right time when I was searching for further information about creating better close-up photographs. And this is why I was happy about finding it.
The author, a freelance writer, has a popular photography blog and is known for his creativity and work with hardware. He also has a good way of using words and I found that his ideas and ways he communicated them within the tutorials and more, a great read. In many ways, I found the "wording" and " his ideas different then I had ever thought about. I found myself being drawn into the book by this and several other ways.
The author, using expressive words, says that macro photography "has changed over time and that macro photography has changed it even to further. " The 10 chapter, span a wide range of his important insights, reflections and ideas. What is remarkable about this book is the extremely intuitive nature and the clear ideas that are laid out about macro photography.
Instead of regular text laden tutorials, the author integrates detailed examples (photos) with profound statement that are instantly understood. These insights gave me a "new look" on several ideas and included new insights that I could use about photography in general but also macro photography. Instead of stating the obvious or including information that one should just do a task, the author eases the user into understanding and the " why's and how's." This is a refreshing change . His statements are communicated brilliantly and concisely. He also addresses how and what ways macro photography "has changed over time and how digital photography has changed it even more. "(p. 5). He then continues to introduce you to "the regular topics" used in macro photography and going beyond.
Photos in the book (collected from other photographers) are magnificent and illustrate his "points of view and idea," too an even greater extent. He also says that while macro photography can be used in many ways, many of the rules that apply to other branches of photography are "meaningless when you start to getting close enough for the results you want" (p.7). I found t statements like this and others helped me pay attention even further to the remarkable detail the author has crafted into this book.
Orange- box markers (ref for reference) within the chapters, detail additional ideas regarding instruction, hardware or software. Additional ideas called "notes," assist with knowing about equipment, learning new ideas, and even include websites for finding additional information. Boxes with "tip" inside, yield information about equipment. "Idea" boxes include other websites and resources to search for find additional information.
Chapter 1 eases you into the world of macro photography. This includes basic challenges, working with macros and information about camera bodies for the topic of this book. Chapter 2 focuses more in-depth about equipment, while Chapter 3 includes lighting under many situations (well done chapter and important). Chapter 4 lays the ground work for " macro opportunities everywhere." This is followed by subsequent chapters which include techniques and ideas for photographing flowers, textures, insects. Then skills can be practiced with abstracts pictures and art and people. Finally Chapter 10 includes digital darkrooms skills and understanding more "how's and what's" which includes Raw information.
In the Appendix A , there are internet resources while Appendix B includes the 10 names of contributing photographers who has some of the books photos utilized in this text. A nice glossar allow for the searching of vocabulary while the index helps find additional information at your finger tips.
I really found this book insightful, resourceful and a refreshing way to learn about photography. I instantly found more information concerning utilizing my camera for "macro - fun. " The photos elevated my ideas even further because I literally could look at the photos and tutorial/ readings and instantly get a "ha (insight)" in my mind how and when to try to use my camera for other close-ups now and in the future.
I think you will be delighted you found this book for several reasons. The price is right and is a great buy. Everywhere you turn in this book, you will learn something new. It looks good and will no doubt inspire you to look at the "the world " and using your camera in different way. Anyone who wants to use their digital camera for close-ups / macro activities should take a look at this book. Not only does it expand your thoughts about exploring with your camera but also the best ways to experiment and how. You will also discover some twenty- plus ways to be challenged, how to troubleshoot and use your digital-editing skills to create effects desired. Find and read this book to get as many "ahas" as I did. - Photography - Digital Photography - Macro Books - Macro'
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