This package (SANYO NEW 1500 eneloop 4 Pack AA Ni-MH Pre-Charged Rechargeable Batteries w/ Charger) contains four second-generation '1500 cycles' eneloop AA cells, plus the 'MQN06' 4-cell charger
I have tested those new second-generation eneloop cells about one year ago from the Costco eneloop package, and also more recently from the SANYO NEW 1500 eneloop 8 Pack AA. I can honestly say that: while both old and new eneloop are excellent products, their difference in performance is hardly noticeable. Both version have exactly the same capacity rating of 'Typ 2000mAh, Min 1900mAh'. Actual measured capacity, using my old La Crosse BC-900, is actually about 5% higher at about 2100mAh on the average.
Some advertised improvements of the new eneloop cells looked impressive on paper, but not easy to verify in real life. For example, the new cells claim to have 50% longer lifespan (from 1000 to 1500 cycles). But note that even if you recharge your eneloop cells twice every week, it will take about ten years before you can realize the difference in battery lifespan. The new eneloop also claims to "hold 75% charge after 3 years" in storage, while the old one only claims "80% after two year". Again, in real life most users will never experience any difference. But then again, it does give a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing that you are getting the latest and greatest rechargeable batteries on the market. (At least until the 2500mAh Sanyo "eneloop-XX" arrives)
Mechanically, there are some very minor differences between original and new eneloop cells (See my upload in the Customer Images section to distinguish between old and new). Note that there are some confusions about 'vent holes' on the latest eneloop cells. Some poeple even claim that cells without visible vent holes are counterfeits. But I have tested two batches of new eneloop cells with and without 'vent holes', and found them to be identical electrically. So I'm confident that those latest batch I received are genuine.
The Sanyo MQN06 4-cell charger (included in this and many other eneloop packages) is a big let-down. Here's what I don't like about this charger:
- It charges in pairs only. This is very inconvenient for appliances that take odd number of cells. If you try to charge an exhausted cell together with a half-full cell, the charging process stops as soon as the second cell is full, which means the first cell is still half-empty.
- The charging current is very low: 300mA for AA cells, 150mA for AAA cells. That means it take about 7 hours to recharge a pair of exhausted eneloop AA cells.
- If you leave a pair of charged cells in an unplugged MQN06, there is a leakage current of 0.5mA. This means a loss of 12mAh per day. In other words, a set of 2000mAh cells will become exhausted in about 5 months. That wipes out the 'low-self-discharge' benefit of eneloop cells.
Over the past four years, I have found the original Sanyo eneloop cells to be the most consistent and reliable NiMH cells I have ever used. So I can recommend the new eneloop based on my past experience. On the other hand, I find it inexcusable that Sanyo continues to bundle the best rechargeable batteries with such a mediocre charger. So you may want to consider a package that comes with a better charger, such as the Sony Cycle Energy BCG34HRE4KN, and then buy more Sanyo eneloop cells as needed. This SONY charger can handle each cell individually, and it can be used to recharge any other brands of LSD cells. Sanyo NEW 1500 eneloop 4 Pack AA Ni-MH Pre-Charged Rechargeable Batteries with Charger
Excellent batteries! with my experiences with rechargeable batteries this is way better than any other Ni-MH rechargeable batteries. I have tried different batteries and they die easily, get discharged after few hours or even just a minute of not using it! But this Sanyo eneloop takes months before it dies. Btw. I am using this battery for my Camera flash (SB-600 Nikon) and at first I bought a energizer 2500 mah but it dies after i used it for couple shots. for 2500 mah? seriously? What a joke! I switched and used sanyo 2000 mah and it took tons of flashes before it died. Can't go wrong with these batteries. It's perfectly awesome and suits my needs.
Batteries are made in Japan. - Awesome!
Charger is made is China. - It's okay
I started looking for rechargable batteries because my new digital camera just eats up batteries. I saw that these had postive reviews so I figured to try them. They are EXCELLENT for my digital camera. They came with 4 batteries and a charger, which is perfect, because my camera takes 2 batteries so I always have a spare set charged. They last about 6 times longer that normal batteries. Great buy, a must if you have a digital camera that takes batteries.
When you get these there will be a little piece of cardboard between the top of the batteries and the charge prongs. remove that before using it or it may start a fire ? at first glance I though it was a new kind of charging strip ? then I seen it was pealing and knew it was a paper protected so you should really warn people Sanyo. if I was a Sarah Palin supporter I could have accidentally burned my house down. but other than that no problems yet, they came 80% charged. when I tested them in my battery tester and my Wiimote said 4 bars. but after about an hour it went to 3 but that's because they been fast charged not fully. I'll post how many hours they lasted in my Wiimote after they die...!
Update after about 40 hours in my Wiimote these batteries finally die which is good considering they were only at about 75%-80% charged. so at full power these things could last upto 50 hours. of course the more you're using the Wiimote's infored's camera ( that's what makes the little pointer appear ) the faster it's going to drain the batteries. I would say out of the 40 hours it lasted I used to pointer about 15 hours. so these last just as long or longer than Energizers Rechargables. plus they can be charged up to 1500x vs about 200 with Energizers so definitely buy these if you're going thru batteries. hey you don't have to be a tree hugging hippie to like to save money because these are 4¢ a charge vs. $4 for a pack of 4 for Regular Alkaline ones. it's your call boss save money and save the world. or be an idiot and throw it away with the upto 1500 batteries this replaces. as Disturbed said in a song "We don't need another way to die" ....!
Update after the 2nd or 3rd time charging the batteries it only takes about 8 hours and 15 minutes. ( I had my stopwatch on my cell going ) that's better than 10 hours so basically just plugged em in when you go to bed and when you wake up, they'll be charged considering you get 8 hours of sleep. ? also with this charger you can charge half at one time, and the other half at another without worrying about over charging. I charged them for 7 hours last night then unplugged it when I went to bed. because I was timing it and plugged them back in when I woke up, and a hour latter the light stopped flashing. meaning there ready so with this charger you got to think ahead. when one set is at half power charge the other....! - Low Discharge Nimh - Rechargeable Batteries'
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