I find this dark plum-colored mat attractive, sticky and a stable source for downward dog poses, upward bow variations, shoulder stands and everything else. It's long enough for me to keep my entire body on the mat when lying down (I'm 5'4). It's a good, basic product. The mat didn't even have a strong "new mat" smell when freshly opened, which was a plus.
My husband uses the mat for more conventional workouts - as a base for crunches and push ups. We've even used it for tai chi and qi gong.
At a good price point, this product's usefulness lies in between a light traveling yoga mat and a thick plush one. I found it too big to fold into my suitcase when I took a flight (actually, it could have been squished down to fit, but took up more room than I had to spare). So I do have to travel without a mat when I fly.
On the other hand, the mat is on the thin side when using over a bare, non-carpeted flooring. I have tried some of my friends' thicker mats, and those are much more comfortable on the heels of the hands in sideways planks and frequent knee-bearing transitions.
In a way, it might be better to have two mats - one light, thin one for traveling, and one thick, plush one for home use. I have actually ordered a second mat for my husband that I plan to use when he is not, doubling up on the mats for extra cushy comfort.
However, if you are limited in space or budget, or otherwise only need one good fitness/yoga mat, this mat is a solid choice.
Recommended. Valeo Yoga Mat, Purple
I've only used this mat once but I really love it. It stays in place wonderfully and it's big enough for me to lay down during some stretches and still keep my head on the mat. It doesn't slip and it's wide enough too. I would highly suggest it for yoga or pilates, even for sit-ups and exercise at home. I also love the color!
I'm slightly disappointed with this. My hands tend to get sweaty and slip while in certain yoga positions (down dog, etc.), and I had hoped this mat would alleviate that, but it doesn't. My hands and bare feet slip on this too. I wear weight lifting gloves now to prevent slipping. I still use the mat as it helps to somewhat cushion my body and my lower back, but would not purchase another like it. It may work better on a bare floor than on carpet. There are 2 of these in a local recreation center where I also workout and they are fine there.
this mat is sufficient for doing yoga. however, your hands slip a lot while trying to hold downward dog... which being one of the main poses... poses a problem. i just grip with my fingers harder on the mat and it works. it's my own fault for buying the cheapo mat... but otherwise it's fine. thickness is good for me, i don't like super thick mats. length is good. but the biggest problem is the slippage. i mean your hands and feet can't help but get at least a tiny bit slippery from sweat which leaves you sliding. this mat = bad call. go for more expensive, better quality. if you can buy one in person so you can feel it. probably a much wiser decision.
I love this mat! It's really pretty. I have not had any of the slipping issues that some of the other reviewers have had. It is sticky and wonderful! The new "smell" wears off pretty quickly. It was a really good deal and worth a try!
I bought this mat primarily because it is painful doing sit ups on the bare floor. With this mat, which is quite thin, my tail bone still hurts after doing sit ups, though the soreness tends to come a bit later than it would on a bare floor. The foam is really squishy and stays deformed for a while, but eventually returns to its original shape.
One big gripe I have is the smell! It smells like cheap rubber/plastic, and the smell remains there until you air it out for a week or two. Definitely should've invested a few more bucks in a thicker, less smelly mat. - Mats - Yoga Accessories - Exercise - Yoga Mats'
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