I have been reading all the other reviews over the past few days and some of them made me wonder if the game was worth it or it was gonna be a dud. I was really worried about the aspect ratio in the coop mode. I was worried about the online play. I was worried about the scoring system. I was worried that a game I really enjoyed, Call of Duty 4, was going to be tainted by a bad game. WoW was I ever glad to be wrong.
Let me tell you about Call of Duty: World at War.
Its realistic. Its honest. Its brutal. Its massive. Its haunting. Its chaotic. Its mind-numbingly astonishing. Its everything COD4 introduced and everything COD4 could not be. It hits home. It makes you appreciate the terror our men faced during those times. It makes you realize that war is not pretty, its evil and sick; and the landscapes, buildings and natural surroundings are just as deadly as the people that hide in them.
For those of you who have ragged on this game I think your nuts. The controls are the same. The ranking systems are similiar. The coop play is amazing. The single player story line is terrifying. The maps on multi player stay with you long after you stop playing... the belfry that you can snip from, the cat walk beside the giant water tower that you can hide on, the tanks, the bunkers, the assylum and its haunting rooms, the air field, the normady beach, the cliffsides, the jungles...
I was playing last night on one of the online maps. I was running away from this guy and I had ditched him and found a small hiding place to make a stand and ambush him. As my heart slowed and I gained my bearings I started looking around... thats when I realized I was in a room with bars on the windows and a broken wooden door not far from me. I started examining the room. I looked up and thats when my heart stopped. I saw a long set of pipes that trailed the ceiling and at the end of each set of pipes was a sprinkler or a shower head... I was in a gas chamber. I was standing inside a chamber that was recreated from images out of a WWII concentration camp.
World at War is incredible. It is beyond imagination. I am floored and I am left without anything more to say than - WoW.
Buy this game. If you loved COD4... hold onto your SixAxis controller cause your gonna be blown away.
Happy Hunting and as you play, remember those who have embraced the slumber that they will never be awakened from... who sacrificed their life so you could have the freedom to play a game like World at War.
Never Forgotten! Always Remembered!
It is December 22nd and I am reviewing what I previously wrote and I must say that I am even more impressed with COD5 than I originally was. I went back and played COD4 the other day and I was dissapointed at the lack of colors and suspense and at how 'sandbox' the levels are. I have fun with COD4 but to be honest there is just something about COD5 that hooks me.
I must admit that I am fairly new to the COD franchise. I recall playing COD3 I believe or possibly COD Big Red One. But I was not impressed. It was fun. But no high replay value. The WWII stuff was cool but not so much. The game was cheesy and hard and I was not impressed with the COD franchise at the time. When I played COD4 I was really impressed. When I played COD5 I was hooked and I am now a believer in the COD franchise.
I do not want to spoil too much for anyone but here are some small tips. Go online and try the Co-op campaing modes with your buddies. Or rather go head to head with them in a coop competition to see who gains the most points at the end of the session. COD5 is brilliant and I do not regret a day gone by for having bought it. While you are playing look around the maps, use teamwork that you will need to achieve victory against your opponent. I have to admit that I truly enjoy all of the maps. Each map has the perfect place for every kind of player and ever kind of player class. The only problem is others know those perfect spots too but occasionally you find your sweet spot.
So. Once again. Happy hunting and I will look forward to seeing you on the battle field. Call of Duty: World at War
COD WaW is way different than COD4. The first thing you notice is the grainy (almost Sepia) quality of the graphics. That said, the cut scenes and the graphics are better that COD4. Unlike anything made by Ubisoft or Unreal (IMHO their games blow), this games smokes all of the competition.
Cooperative play is an interesting new feature to the COD series. You can play in split-screen mode with another player. Basically, it's solo mode for two (if that makes any sense). If your comrade is injured, your have to find him and administer first-aid otherwise you both die. I have 2 HDTVs and 2 PS3s and sprung for a second copy so my son and I can play cooperatively. It's really cool playing zombie in cooperatiive play. Oh yeah, don't forget to get your raygun in the second level. Check youtube for some good glitches -- especially the one on the second floor in zombie mode (bring a flamethrower and an LMG). Cooperative play on a smaller screens just doesn't work.
I completed solo play in Veteran mode and it took about 20 hours. Yeah, you get killed a lot and it takes forever to complete a mission -- but that's the point. War isn't running into a room full of enemies and hosing them down with your machine gun without getting a scratch. It's about tactics, planning and killing the enemy without getting yourself killed. In Veteran mode, you have no choice other than to plan your moves, use the terrain to your advantage and proceed cautiously. Simply put; it's hard to survive. For some reason, I completed a level where you clear out the artillery from the Japanese caves but it doesn't register as a checkpoint so I got stuck and couldn't continue. If you get stuck like I did the download a saved game from the Internet (for free).
Other reviewers said they completed the game in under 10 hours. I doubt it can be done that quickly unless they're playing at the Rookie level. No way at Veteran level.
There's some cool new fetures too: you can drive and fire a tank, and then there's also a flamethrower. The tank is OK and the trick is to hang back and take out opponents one at a time -- using the landscape as cover against other tanks. If you're up to flaming-up the enemy and watching them burn (some burning much more energetically than others), then this is a ton of fun in a sick kind of way. In story mode, I've done entire levels with only the flamethrower despite its limited range (even though I was packing a LMG too). This is possible because Activision programmed in a feature that the enemy doesn't shoot at you until you get close when holding the flamethrower. You can prove this by switching to another weapon and you instantly get shot at. It's a bunch of fun to burn down trees too. A word of caution: You can burn yourself up if you walk into the flames.
In Veteran story mode, ammo conservation is always an issue. While your teamates seems to have an unlimited supply of ammo, you don't. Swapping your weapon for an enemy's drop is an option but not in all cases. For example, you don't want to drop your sniper rifle for a machine gun. You're better off locating enemies using the scope and picking them off using a lesser weapon that you have a bunch of ammo for.
Online play is good once you level-up to some decent weapons. Keep in mind this is WWII so there's no lasers, night-vision and barely any scoped weapons. Automatics are slow and not too accurate. It takes several body shots to drop a target. I find myself going for head-shots because a single shot does the job. There's a new level called Bootcamp that you can play until Level 8. There's a glitch that you can exploit to level-up more quickly. Once you're in Bootcamp you can stay there indefinately as long as you don't leave. In other words, you can level up to 44 in about 8 hours in Bootcamp.
This game is rated M for Mature. The rating is justified because there is some pretty graphic material and language. For example, when you step on a land mine your legs get blown off. This is way more intense than COD4. - Ps3 Game - Video Games - Fps - Playstation 3'
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