I was in the market for hearing protection because I work in manufacturing. At times, I spend many hours at a saw or in a Dust-room with a grinder and two blower-driven dust collectors. Ear-Protection is a necessity so I went shopping for a personal set. I narrowed my Amazon search to the President and the H10. I couldn't decide from the comments and pics/info so I bought both.
First of all, both Peltor-brand muffs are assembled by Aearo Company in Indianapolis. The President/H7F has a 26db NRR while the H10A is rated 30db (though Amazon lists 29db). On paper, this is supposedly a big difference. I have compared both under the same conditions and decided the President cuts more noise. I also like that the President is collapsible which keeps the inner cups clean and dust-free on breaks. This may not matter if you were using these exclusively for the firing range. Considering comfort, the H10A clasps tighter on my Eustachian tubes but you get used to that nagging with any muff. ohhh. With the President, I have experienced all-day comfort (worn multiple times non-stop through an 8-hr shift) including use with mp3player ear buds.
In conclusion, The President wins for quality and utility. If you're looking to save a few bucks, I guess go for the H10 (I use my pair exclusively at home when Gramps is cranking the TV). But I have used both, and my opinion is for the pricier, lower db rated President because it simply cuts more noise at work. This was unexpected and could be due to how the President fits my head better. I don't know about all that, I just know what I hear.
I have several sets of protective "earmuffs" to wear while I mow my three acres of grass, sitting atop a very loud riding mower. These new protectors the best yet. They are large enough to cover the ear and the spring tension is strong enough to give excellent sound isolation. Well designed and easily adjustable.
My wife bought these for me for Christmas. I don't shoot. I do occasionally use power tools (these guys will likely see a little use in the garage). But the main reason I wanted them was for audio fidelity and to block out noise on airplanes.
I am a big fan of Bose audio products. For years, I've wanted a pair of Bose QuietComfort headphones for air travel. I see them in the airport and on the heads of first class passengers. But they cost as much as a round-trip ticket to Cancun! I tried other noise-cancelling headphones but they all added too much white noise to the music to drown out the ambient sounds.
The Peltor Presidents are a great addition to my travel bag. They aren't exactly "comfortable". They hug my head very tightly. But combined with my Sennheiser CX300-B Earbuds (Black), they provide astounding audio quality and essentially shut out the rest of the world in almost scary ways. I would say that the less-than $50 combination of the Peltors and Sennheisers provide the best listening experience I've ever had.
And if I'm on an airplane and a bomb goes off, I'll plunge to my death in the blissful ignorance of pure audio fidelity! Heck, I won't even hear the air marshall's gun blasting away the terrorist even if he's in the seat next to me.
I shoot a lot. More indoors than outdoors and I can honestly say these things are great. I can hear conversation while gun fire is muted to a thud. Better is that they're amazingly comfortable and I have yet to experience any perspiration issues as I've had with other muffs. Oh! And they're super compact and durable to boot!
Well worth the money in my opinion. I don't know why anyone would spend more. I'll definitely buy another pair if these ever wear out or disappear.
I am very noise sensitive due to a neurological condition. Noise increases my condition so it is in my best interest to be able to quiet things down quickly. I use these when I grind coffee, use the blender, food processor, or if the TV is on. They are fantastic. I have had others. These are my favorite so far. I have 2 pair. One in my husbands shop, one in the house.
I had on old pair brand unknown. I used them while I cut the grass with my riding mower. Unfortunately I ran the old pair over, I ordered these and they were much more comfortable not to mention I can hardly even hear the mower running. I would not hesitate to recommend these to someone looking for good hearing protection.....
I have long hair was worried about not a good seal, but it worked fine even with a couple guys blasting their 45s. I could also hear the rangemaster without any issues. I wore these for 1 hr and total comfort. I use the plastic packaging it came with as the carrying case, so it doesn't get smashed in my range bag. - Earmuffs - Noise Canceling - Peltor Earmuffs - Lawn'
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