This version is being rushed out at the end of this month. Michael Bay has stated that a Bigger and Better 3D bluray version will be released later, with ALOT more extras than this edition. That version will be release on standard Blu as well, Looks like before the end of this year, just in time for the holidays. Transformers: Dark of the Moon (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy)
Look the studio wants consumers to buy the 2D version first, then the 3D release which is being purposely delayed.
So I'm Redboxing the Dvd until the 3D becomes reasonable (which will include the 2D too).
I am not a Transformers fan. I enjoyed the first movie until the Transformers showed up, then I turned it off. I pretty much FF through much of the second one, looking for Meagan Fox scenes. Why I watched this one, I don't know. The addition of Frances McDormand and John Malkovich made the movie enjoyable. I love watching them act. The movie opens with Sam job hunting in DC with his embarrassing parents (dressed in green) hanging around. He is eventually hired by the quirky Malkovich. There is an interesting rewrite of the space program. I recall the Russians sent an unmanned probe to the moon which crashed just before we made a landing. This fact is mentioned in the film. Buzz Aldrin plays Buzz Aldrin, but not too convincingly. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Victoria's Secret model plays Sam's GF. She is eyed heavily by her boss to Sam's dismay and jealousy. This gives us a subplot with conflict, in addition to machines killing machines (The part I find boring.) In the first half of the film she wears tight short dresses which show off about 8 feet of leg. When the action starts she changes to tight slacks.
The bad Transformer include a mechanical "Dune" worm, a vulture, and some ugly looking guys. The bad transformers can disguise themselves as good transformers or computers to invade "happy families." The movie effectively uses light comedy to break up the gloom and doom of the evil transformers. "You can't just bring weapons of mass destruction into our atmosphere. It has to clear customs first."
The transformers use earth sayings from TV and movies. At one time you hear them quote Don Adams (Get Smart) "Missed it by that much." They interject quickly, so you must pay attention to catch the phrases. The final action scene, I thought was way too long. I find bot on bot fighting as boring as Rock Em Sock Em Robots... Unless of course they designed the film to be played with Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon." Then it would be "freaking awesome".
Some adult language like D-head. Weird scene in men's room stall although not sexual, the humor was sexual. No sex or nudity. Four and a half stars
I must admit I thought the third film in the franchise was a lot of fun, most notably with the integration of the 3D photography. Here though is the problem: it becomes very apparent that Paramount/Dreamworks is so eager to release this, that they throw this version out to the masses, minus the expected extensive supplemental material - the word is that the deluxe (and 3D) version is coming out in November/December AND given the (highway robbery)price $31.49, Paramount/Dreamworks thinks that Joe-consumer is an utter twit and will buy anything Transformers related at the drop of the hat - well, I ain't buying this version, I'll wait for the 3D version.
Oh and according to Paramount's press release the MSRP is 29.99 not 44.99 - Amazon is RIPPING US OFF - big time!!!!
Thing is, should this be a review for the movie, or review for the home version and it's missing contents? That is the question. I'm giving this 5 stars for the movie alone, which was wonderful, just a bit long. Now I read the novel first, I wish I hadn't. The novel was great, and the movie follows the books to a "T". We follow the wanna-be conspiracy with what's on the other side of the moon, Prime's anger over this, and Sam's story following the human interaction and deaths behind what was found on the moon, and Decepticons working with humans? Where is Dr. Arkevil when you need him,, eh Starscream? Thing is, this movie is right up every Transformer fan who knows the G1 stories inside and out. The movie weaves the basic stories behind "More than meets the eye" and "Megatron's Master Plan" perfectly. Funny thing is, in the cartoon, Megatron simply "lifted" Lincoln of his memorial and sat down in one of the old episodes...not this new Megatron! We finally see some new Transformer characters brought from the woodworks out of history from Sentinel Prime, Shockwave, and Laserbeak(who nearly steals the movie).
Plenty of action, and comedy, with enough seriousness that makes you think... how ARE they going to end this? Though we DO see the Twins in background of one scene and their "death scene" from the novel is oddly missing, while many either hate or love the Twins, they should have finished the scene or left it in. That part really "redeems" those characters for me (still like their fight against Devastator from the previous movie...).
Great movie, but wait for the 2nd release closer to Christmas. I really don't want the 3D, but when you buy DVD or BluRay you expect extras. That was HOW the DVD market was originally handled when DVDs were even released originally over a decade ago, and we're left with a great movie release with no extras? I don't think so. 1.5 stars for the product, 5 stars for the movie. They are milking it for all it's worth in an economy that's still hurting.
Parents Cautioned: Plenty of language, sexual innuedoes are much less than the previous movie, long stretches of intense action, we blow up like marshmellows apparently'
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