Plot Summary: Elysia is living in what's left of Baltimore. Seven years ago there was a great `Collapse' and mankind was returned to the dark-age, but with automatic weapons at their disposal. Gasoline is worth killing for, riots start whenever food appears, and money is worthless. Her former best friend, Darien, steps in just when Elysia is cornered for stealing a bag of apples. Together they escape Baltimore and Darien wants to know if Elysia is still being called by her animal spirit. He wants to convince Elysia to give their relationship a chance, and follow their inner animal guides to find a new beginning for mankind.
I was pressed for time today, so I decided to read this freebie novella I downloaded for my Kindle. It is the prequel story to Jeri Smith-Ready's Aspect of Crow Trilogy, of which I have read the first book, Eyes Of Crow (Aspect of Crow Trilogy). I had assumed this trilogy was based on a pure fantasy construct, but actually it's a tale set on Earth far into the future. This prequel novella tells the story of how our current civilization collapsed, and the group of people who became ancestors to the animal spirit followers in the Aspect of Crow Trilogy.
In general I'm not a short story fan, but within a limited number of pages Smith-Ready wrote a complete tale with a start, middle, end, and a romance to boot. Unfortunately we are not privy to whatever caused the collapse of societies' modern infrastructure, and we're only treated to details about the aftermath. Still, it's a good little story for anyone who wants to read, or has already read, this series. The Wild's Call
It didn't take long for me to be hooked. I didn't want it to end. It is the prequel to the Aspect of Crow trilogy which includes "Eyes of Crow," "Voice of Crow" and "The Reawakened." Different "animal spirits" have chosen people to start a new life. Each person has certain strengths and skills and they will have to learn to live and work with one another. I'm intrigued and will be reading the trilogy.
I liked it, didn't love it because I think I wanted more. The characters were way over simplified and honestly not that interesting. What was happeneing to them and the world around them now that was great. I'm debating on purchasing the first book in the series.
You can tell from the other reviews that this is a short read, and maybe not very well written. I don't normally review books, but I had to say it is what it says it is. A prequel. I thought of it less as a teaser, and more of a trial size of the book. If you read it, and like the concept (not the characters) you should check out the trilogy. I might be checking out the trilogy from my local library soon. But if you didn't like it, then skip the rest.
The point of this novella was two fold, one to introduce the world and the circumstances, and two to get the readers hooked with the free price. I say it's worth it. It had a great story line. I mean the thought of the world collapsing has been in many books and movies over the years and is nothing new. What is new is that Spirit animals need to bond with humans to help form a new community. It is the hope that with the instincts of animals and the guidance of these animals the new humanity would not kill each other.
The characters needed to be developed more. Elysia was so interesting, I felt as if she was held back by the author's writing rather than being enhanced by it. Darien was just normal and really had no depth either. I felt as if the author did a good job hooking me, because I'd like to read more about this new community and see how it fairs against other human communities that thrive on violence. At the same time though I hope that she develops her other books more fully and the characters get a chance to speak for themselves.
Hey the e-book is free, it took me about 35-45 minutes to read, and it was interesting. I wish more publishers and authors would give us the first books of their series for free to reel us in.
...or sometimes less that that. The basic plot concept is interesting, but the writing is dull and low-level. There are some very strange, stilted sex scenes that make what could be an acceptable book for a 9 yr old a bad fit.
First off you, as a potential buyer of this work, should be aware that it's a VERY short story meant to be an intro to the author's "Aspect of Crow" series. You should also be aware that the short story ends in a very unsatisfying way and the "Aspect of Crow" series has nothing to do with these characters because they are long dead and buried by the time of the "AoC" series takes place.
Now, I was aware when I downloaded this that it was a short story. I was not aware that it would end so abruptly though, with no conclusion.
I quite enjoyed the story. The writing is rather sophomoric and lacks the depth of a more experienced author...however, the plot, the premise was fascinating and I found myself rather drawn into this world set "post collapse" of things as we know them.
Dear Author, I'm asking you PLEASE, do finish this story! I would pay even the full $9.99 Kindle download fee, which I rarely will do. I was quite taken by your characters and it was disappointing to have no conclusion. I'll be waiting to see if this ever gets finished!
In this prequel, we are sprung into a world where the society as we know it has fallen. People must barter for anything and something only belongs to you so long as you can keep someone else from stealing it. We watch as Elysia tries to steal some food using stealth and some hidden ability to not be seen. Darien watches from the crowd horrified that the woman he's been looking for is about to be killed. They help each other escape Baltimore on a boat and learn about their difficult past together. As they work towards going into the wilderness, they finally find out how to trust each other and then they meet their spirit guide who takes them to others who've answered the call to find a new way to live.
This story is fast paced with chapters that are only a few pages long. I was worried at first that I wouldn't understand enough about the story with it being like that, but I was pleasantly surprised. This story definitely peaked my interest and took only a few hours to read. It coming as a prequel to the Aspect of Crow Trilogy and is well written. I'd definitely give it a go. - Paranormal Romance - Free - Animal Spirit - Paranormal Series'
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