First of all, I have been an EA sports gamer for a while now... ever since Madden and NCAA football has been developed. If you look over my past reviews I have written, you will see that I don't hold my opinion back any in regards to hammering a game title. Personally, I feel EA in regards to XBOX360 has gotten cheap and lacked quality over the years. So read this review taking that into account.
As for this game, I have to say, "ABOUT TIME!" EA's NCAA football is finely getting back to the level of its glory days in regards to quality and new inventive game options. For example, there is a new bluff option in the game. Usually when you pick a play and your team is on the field, you want to check what that play looks like before you snap the ball. The problem with doing that is the other team knows what you are calling right before you snap. The new bluff feature allows you to show multiple bluff plays on the field - both runs and passes. You can show multiple bluff plays and throw in your real one to see what it looks like and still not totally give away what you are doing... GREAT ADDITION TO THE GAME!!! The recruiting in the game is a lot better also. This game allows you to now pick and choose what you want to do in regards to recruiting and let the computer take care of the rest. It provides options for people who want a little assistance to allowing the computer to do it all.
The game play finely is smooth again. Running the ball seems more realistic and passing is more fun. I think the game programers of today have finely started to catch up to the XBOX360's technology... finely. The past games just didnt feel right to play. Newer gamers (People who started playing this game in 2006 to now) probably wouldnt notice this however if you have played this game and Madden forever, you'll notice.
About the graphics... the xbox360 has always done pretty well with graphics, however, this year it looks even better. I have to stress one thing though. Having a quality TV makes all of the difference. For example, I have an older model HDTV 27inch that I played this game on and it looked nice, however, when I played this on my 52inch 1080p LCD HDTV... this game is AWESOME!!! Regardless the game is fun no matter what TV you have.
Well I will probably be adding to this review as I play more. So far I have not experienced any freezing moments or glitches in the game, however since the game only came out yesterday, I may change my attitude about that topic. I havent played it enough to give a totally valid opinion. With that said nothing so far.
UPDATE: I'm still enjoying the game very much. Still no Freezing up like the poster stated before the game came out. I've noticed a lot more things about the game also. There is A LOT more detail to it in regards to the stadium, crowd and sideline action. Your cheerleaders are sad when you mess up for example. I remember in older games the crowd and cheerleaders would celebrate no matter what. The Crowd and Sideline players interact more with the game. About the game being too easy??? I do not agree with that. Play the game on a higher level and try playing with the teams that don't have every player rated high. I usually stay away from the USCs of the game. What is the point? The team is already perfect - in regards to player ratings. Basically, if you want it to be harder there are ways of making the game harder. One Con about the game I do not like is that blitzing is a lot harder. In the past speed rushing on the sides was a lot easier. That changed last year so I went to LBs to blitz manually. This year I can't get through with the LBs or LE/RE. Being able to hit the QB is something I really enjoyed in the past. This does take away from the fun factor of the game - a little. With that said, still a great game!
Daniel NCAA Football 09
I love football, been a fan for 20 years. I've played Madden and College football for over a decade so I know how its supposed to look and play. First off NCAA '09 looks great and moves great. The animation is top-notch, I'm always noticing little touches, beautiful for most part. The college team at EA surpasses even Madden when it comes to animation. But none of that matters unfortunately . This game is wholly unbalanced. Glitches abound, graphical annoyances. Nothing comes together as it should. EA doesn't seem to think there are any defensive battles in college football! There is no defense in this game. If the CPU doesn't advance the ball and is forced to punt it seems as if it is only that way because the CPU chooses it to be. The plays that the CPU chooses are just stupid. Run on first down with a loss of yardage, second down run for a loss, only to have their QB throw to a wide open receiver for a first down. Last years version was far from perfect, but I thought it was a very good foundation to built upon. If you are a football purist like me you will eventually come to hate this game. If only because there are so many good ideas like the pump fake being mapped the right analog stick or the great animation. EA continues to be a great disappointment me. Madden 09 had better be the second coming, or I will forever turn my back on EA. I might as well have took a lit match to three twenty dollar bills.
I am a longtime fan of the EA college football series. I played since the first one back on PS2. It was one of my favorite games and I've probably been through 30 years of dynasties. I was even painted up for a cameo in NCAA 07. That said, the current incarnation makes me sick to my stomach. The pass defense is beyond terrible. The defense never really does anything. They just stand there. That means that even the second string QB from 1AA Nowhere can have a 90% completion percentage on you. I improved the Virginia Tech defense over the course of three seasons to an overall rating of 99 and it didn't matter. A mediocre Cal team still carved me up for 400 passing yards and 40-some points. The game does look pretty and my beloved recruiting system is better than ever, but that doesn't overcome the helpless feeling I have everytime I'm on defense. I'd be better off going and making myself a sandwich until my offense is back on the field. Of course, when that does happen, I have to be careful, because every cpu pass defender plays like an all-american with the world's softest hands. I feel betrayed by EA. They've so monopolized the industry that they don't have to put out a quality product any more. Instead of spending all that money on those pathetic comercials, maybe they should put more money into their games. - Video Games - College Football - Electronic Arts - Ncaa'
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