This case is awesome. I have been searching for a case for my GPS and most of them only hold the GPS none of the acessories! I am a truck driver and I switch vehicles. So I needed a case that holds the charger, GPS, and bracket. This fits it all nicely. The GPS is protected for the acessories, and that's a plus. It has a shoulder strap for easy carrying. It is very lightweight as well. I would reccomend this to anyone looking for a great GPS case to carry all. ARKON GPS-9043K GPS Protective Carry all Case
I primarily bought this case because I needed something to easily contain and move my Garmin nüvi 1690 4.3-Inch Portable Bluetooth Navigator with nüLink! Services, the Garmin Portable Friction Mount and the USB cable/spare Transcend 16 GB microSDHC Class 6 Flash Memory Card TS16GUSDHC6E cards easily between vehicles. I also do a fair amount of air travel for my job and I hate to cram all of this in my laptop backpack.
I thought about generic camera cases, etc. but was looking for something more designed for this purpopse. The case has a pocket (softly lined, expandable) for the GPS, but I ordered the Garmin 4.3-Inch Carrying Case to protect the screen. Both fit great in that pocket. There is a small zippered compartment in the cover that easily fits the USB cable and a spare memory card. I should note an annoyance with the design though. I've noticed that the overlapping 'cover/lid' has to have the material folded up to easily access the dual zippers.
Now onto my setup. The friction mount, mounting horn/bracket, power cord and the GPS take a bit of thought to fit in. This case is on the small side, but just right. I attached a velcro strip to the power cord of the adapter to make things tidy (you can get a roll from your local home improvement store... nice to have around if you hate cable clutter like I do). You can fold the "petals" of the friction mount up and fit the cord and bracket towards the front. Nice and easy. I suppose if you were using one of those window mounts that there would be plenty of extra room.
The fit and finish of this case looks nice. I am not a fan of the "ARKON" logo emblazened across the front, but that is a small issue.
I have yet to travel with this case, but I think it will hold up nicely. It appears to be made of ballistic nylon with 4 small rubber feet on the bottom. I gave it 4 stars because I haven't traveled with it. It is great to move things between my cars. Might update the rating later when I have had a chance to check out it's durability through the TSA gauntlet at the airport.
So I actually got my case off eBay as it was cheaper, but non the less the same case. After looking at the pictures I thought it looked pretty good so I bought it. Once I actually got the bag, I fell in love with it! I have a TomTom 535T 5" display and the GPS fits snug in the little divider so it doesn't move around at all. There is plenty of space in the main compartment for all your cords and mounts to make this case a must have. I showed this case to my parents and after they saw it, they went out and bought one too! Well worth the little amount of money spent to keep your more expensive GPS investment safe! Oh and in case you're wondering, this case does have a loop on the back that would allow you to put in on a belt too if you were walking as well as having a nice long shoulder strap.
This is the perfect carrying case to carry and store my Garmin Nuvi, the stand and all of the connection cords. It is not big, yet it is light and protects the items well. It is not a case to carry on your coat or pants pockets. I realized that to temporarily disconect the GPS from the car and to keep it from getting stolen that I needed a smaller, more compact case in which to carry it separately, which I also bought. It is also wise not to leave the stand and connections hanging in the car because someone could see it and break into the car looking for the GPS.
Ok, July 2007 I purchased a 3.5 screen Magellan gps. Along with it I purchased from Amazon a small blue gps hard case for $11.00(That was a mistake). Three and half years later my gps retires (some gps batteries only last 3yrs) and now I have to buy another gps. I purchase an apx magellan 5.0 screen and now need a bigger, better, deal. Enters the Arkon gps-903k protective carry all case-that carry's it all. There is a pocket for a 4.5 screen gps, charger and gps stand. My mother even sqeezed my small digital camera and pouch in the case with all the gps items. The Arkon carry all price was $12.00 (includes shipping). It was a better price than the hard case that could not fit anything but the screen-the zipper even broke the first week. The Arkon is different, it is cushioned inside. Overall the Arkon carry all case is a competitive productand competitively priced. When I buy the next gps as a gift for my aunt, I have to compliment it with the purchase of the Arkon Gps-9034k protective carry all case!
This case was the perfect fit for my GPS and all the accessories. I especially like that it has a soft liner to not scratch anything and that it has a separate slot for the GPS itself to protect it further from being scratched.
**My only complaint it that the straps are not removable. I managed to stuff them inside and still snap it shut but it would have been nice if they came off completely.
Other than that, it's the perfect fit for my Garmin 4.3" GPS, window stand and power cord.
Just received the case yesterday and it does not fit my needs.
The picture is deceiving since the bag is quite small.
I intended to use it with my Garmin Nuvi with a 4.3" screen, the GPS fits in the compartment snugly while in it's leather case.
I use a beanbag mount to avoid vandalism, it was my intention to store the beanbag with the FM receiver/power chord in this bag.
No way does the beanbag fit in the bag, it is far too small.
I also don't need the shoulder carry strap since it has a handle on the bag and the strap is quite bulky. Bad news is you can't remove the shoulder strap, it must be cut off since it is sewn on.
For the price I paid, it's not worth returning it. It will sit in the closet and gather dust since it's no use to me for the purpose intended.
If you just need a carry bag for the GPS and a few small accessories the bag is fine, if you need more storage, this bag is not for you. - Gps Case - Gps System Accessories - Gps Carrying Case - Nuvi Case'
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