This knife is worth more than the asking price. I read a lot of reviews about the scratches due to the clip before I bought the knife, but decided to buy it anyway. Factory sharpened but comes to a nice razor edge. Very strong and solid in the grip. Perfect size for combat or in a jam with wild animals while hunting or in the wilderness.
Solution to clip scratches: If you look in the sheath without the knife, you'll see a little piece of plastic that looks like it would come out if you stuck a blade between it. Stick a steak knife in there and it pops right out; it will fall in the sheath, just turn it over give a shake and it will come right out. You have just exposed the clip, which you can simply shake out or use the steak knife to wiggle it out. The clip is OPTIONAL! Place the little square plastic piece back with the sharp side up and give a tap with a heavier knife and it should go right back in. No more scratches! You can now do of of two things for a better fit. You can bend the clip so that it would not be so snug on the knife and put it back in or you can get a piece of leather the length of the blade cut it out as if it were a sheath; stitch the edge along the blade side, and you can put it back in the original plastic sheath for a nice snug fit. This will preserve the black paint on your knife. Enjoy. Smith & Wesson SW3B Special Ops M-9 Bayonet Special Force Knife, Black
This is one bad mutha! It looks great and is durable and functional.I bought it to fit on my mossberg 590 Special Purpose Shotgun.It looks awesome.And it is made heavy duty.Get this Knife,a must have item.
Purchased this for a survival knife while I am in the Wyoming wilderness. It looks like a good knife, has a good weight to it, and I feel pretty safe taking it with me outdoors.I haven't checked the strength of the steel, but I am sure it is tough based on the brand and price. One problem though, if you get the black knife, the black finish will scrape in the scythe that comes with it--there's a metal spring clip that keeps the knife from sliding out. That spring scratches the black finish. I imagine that doesn't matter too much, considering that its a knife. I am excited to take it into the mountains this summer!
One more thing. Since it is a bayonet, you can easily secure it to the end of a pole and use it as a spear. Obviously this won't help you against a Grizzly, but you never know what you will run into in the wilderness.
I also recommend this knife for home defense against intruders, especially if you get defensive knife training.
For the price this is an amazing piece of equipment. It looks and feels like a blade that sells for well over a hundred dollars. It is strong has nice weight to is and when I mounted it on my ar-15 Carbine it made the rifle. I will be getting another. The black on the blade tends to wear off with use so my next will be the OD green with stainless blade.
Good quality M-9 knife/bayonette but the scabbard (holder) has a metal retainer pin that scratches the blade with every use. The price is right but just don't use the holder with this knife/bayonette if how it looks is important to you. Fits most AR-15's with bayonette lug as well as Mossberg 590 shotguns. Awesome looking combo with either one!
So, I got this bayonet for Christmas to slap it on my Bushmaster M4 Carbine and it did not work. it attaches to the bayonet lug properly but the ring that settles on the flash hider is down on the barrel so it just jiggles around, not a huge deal though because DPMS sells a bayonet lug adapter so i'll just grab that and be good to go. otherwise the knife part of it....AWESOME! its a very well made,strong knife and i recommend it to anyone considering it, if i were stranded in the woods or in a bad situation this is definitely this knife to have in hand,very strong, comes with a sharpener which you;ll need.doesnt come to dangerously sharp. but for the most part.its a sweet knife and i love mine. i wanna order the one that doesnt have the serrations on top of the blade so i have both. other reviews comment on the black wearing off due to the scabbard and this is a true statement. but its not a fashion statement,its a KNIFE, i dont care if it gets scratched personally but to each his own.great knife thanks for reading
I bought one to go on my tactical pistol grip mossberg 590 and made the gun look extremely tactical the gun is used for hog hunting and I thought it would be a great last resort for close up with a hog. Went to go shoot it yesterday to make sure that the bayonett would clear the rounds so I loaded it up with bird shot to get the biggest spread and the retaining clips broke on the first shot. knife looks great but as far as a functional tactical bayonett its not worth even buying. looks good but doesn't hold up
My S&W Special Ops M-9 bayonet arrived today. It came in a timely manner and was well packaged. First impressions out of the box was it seemed like a nice quality knife despite the "made in Taiwan" label on the box. It has a nice heavy, rugged feel. The blade is pretty thick and came with a nice sharp edge. Nothing you could shave with but plenty sharp enough to do significant damage to flesh and bone. The detachable map pouch is about the right size for a small tactical flashlight and some basic first aid supplies. The scabbard is heavy duty rigid polymer or nylon with nylon webbing and a metal quick release belt attachment. I was disappointed at first when it didn't seem to come with the screwdriver and wet stone as advertised, but on closer inspection I discovered the wet stone was built into the back of the scabbard covered by a nylon strap and the screwdriver was actually the metal tip at the base of the scabbard which somehow is supposed to act as a wire cutter as well. Haven't quite figured that out yet but it just seems like a matter if lining up the hole in the knife with the nub on the wire cutter.
It also fit nicely as a bayonet on my M&P M4. Overall, very pleased with it, only gave it 4 stars because I'll have to see how well it holds it's edge with use. - Combat Knife - Knife - Black - Self Defense'
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