This works great! Disposables give me razor burn, but I like the close shave. I tried an epilator and that didn't work too well, it just broke off the hairs. I figured I would just give up and use an electric shaver and get a close enough shave, but this one exceeded my expectations. I also like that there's a nice compact place for it on my electrical outlet.
I tried both wet and dry functions and I think it works better dry. When I dried off, I could still feel hairs so I went over it again and the area became smooth. However, during dry shaving, if I go to fast my skin catches in the razor. There was no bleeding, but it wasn't comfortable.
Then only thing I don't like is that there's no cord attachment. That's probably for safety reasons, but I would like that option when the battery starts to lose it charge. Panasonic ES2207P Close Curves rechargeable Wet/Dry Ladies Shaver, Mauve
This is perfect because I don't like shavers that lift and cut off the hair below the skin. Basically you get a close shave enough to not see the hair but there is still hair there. To me that is wonderful because I use it on my face and I don't want my face hair to grow back darker and thicker that is why this shaver is really good.
I've tried on my legs and love it.
If you are one that wants a really really close shave, this would not be for you. If you are one that wants a good enough close shave, this is perfect.
This shaver has worked pretty well in the short time I have had it. It has retained a full charge very well, I have yet to recharge it since the first time (over 3 weeks ago) and I use it pretty often. Its is pretty simple to clean as well. My only complaint is that the area of the razor shaving area is a bit narrow compared to my previous razors.
I expected less than a razor shave, it is electric after all. But I find that when I let leg hair grow a week, it actually gives a slightly better shave than just after 1-2 days of stubble. It is very good at 1-2 days also, so if you need to shave often this is definitely good. And best of all, it's about 95% of razor smooth and no razor burn at all! I was completely shocked. I use it dry. It's fantastic. I may never shave with a razor again! :)
I recently found out that I am allergic to nickel in disposable razors. They were giving me hives. I wasn't sure what I could do until I found this razor. After using it I didn't break out in hives. It has been a life saver.
I purchased this razor because I am a woman of a certain age,and unfortunately,with the aging comes the facial hair.That's why I wanted an electric razor because disposable razors are too harsh to use on the face.
This razor shaves well,and closely and is gentle to the skin.It also works well on legs and underarms,too.I use it in the shower.
It charges quickly,keeps a charge,and is comfortable in my small hands.
I am satisfied with this product.
I have never in my life used anything but a blade razor on my legs and underarms, so this was a totally new experience. So far I'm liking it, although you do not get a shave nearly as close as with a blade. To get something even remotely akin to that, you have to go over the areas several times, and even then you can still feel the stubble. It does not matter that much to me, but if really smooth legs are important to you, stick with a blade, or waxing or something like that. As far as performance and ease of use and cleaning, it's super great. I keep it plugged in while I'm at work and it's always ready to use. I use it dry before I get in the shower. Then I can just tap the head to get the dry hair out and it's ready to go again. I do recommend it, but not for very smooth skin. It really can't do that.
The shaver is easy to hold and does a good job. The razor sits upright on the recharger, which must plug into a vertical outlet. All my bathroom outlets are horizontal so I have to find an outlet in another room to charge it. That's a bit of an annoyance to me. - Womens - Ladies Razor - Electric Razor - Wet Dry'
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