If you are looking for a book to get updated with what is new on extracorporeal technology, On Bypass is the one. I would not recommend it for students. On the other side I think this book is a must on all shelves of serious and mature professionals. I am very pleased to see the clear and concise text. All important information at our hands for a quick look. Congratulations to the editors for concentrating so many experts in a single 576 pages book. On Bypass: Advanced Perfusion Techniques (Current Cardiac Surgery)
This book is an excellent read for perfusionists of any level, from student to long time professional. As a new grad, I advanced my knowlege on a number of current perfusion topics not fully covered in my perfusion schooling. It is easy to understand, wonderfully written, and in my mind is up there with the "bible" of perfusion, Gravlee's Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Principle's and Practice. In a field of limited resources, this is a must have!'
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