A great feature of many new blu-ray DVD players is the incorporation of internet streaming video sources like Netflix.That feature also includes audio only dedicated sites like Pandora and live 365 among others.
These music sources sound good on my downstairs home theatre system set up,which is primarly dedicated towards watching DVDs.
For critical listening my main audio system upstairs is a two channel "audiophile" system. I have separate components and use digital sources.
I wanted to add the versatility of streaming internet audio to my 2 channel system.
Researched the Logitech sqeezebox and the Grace internet radio tuner.
I chose the Grace unit primarily for it's ergonomics.It is 17 inches wide and has the same dimensions of a standard full sized CD player.So it matches my other components nicely.The so called "rack" look...
The unit is fairly straightforward to set up even if one is not too tech "savvy".After configuring the tuner for my wireless network,I was able to install my Pandora account and other stations.You have to go throught the Grace's Reciva web site to access the other sites.
The unit has an LCD window for the menus,song and station details etc.
One thing I really dislike is the appearance of the clock which takes up the whole area of the lcd screen.The clock remains illuminated when the unit is in the "inactive " state.The characters are an ugly "in your face" type.So it looks like an alarm clock dominating the center of your stereo components.At least I was able to adjust the backlight so those clock's digits are unnoticeable.
Yeah- the font of those characters remind me of those on PCs from the 1980s.I guess they forgot to add "Pac-man":)
The manual is very basic.Set up instructions are OK but missing any details on the function and how to use the USB port and SD card slot.Nor are the DAC specs described.
The Grace tuner is sourced out to my system via an optical input on my "Dac Magic".I think this does improve the sound quality particularly those stations broadcasting with lower "bits".
Build quality is acceptable.The huge wall wart power adapter runs quite warm even in standby mode.A standard detachable power cable would be preferable.
Marantz has just introduced a similar product with better compnents than the grace.To me it appears to be much superior but it is three times the cost.
Overall a nice entry product for it's purpose.Most music lovers who want to listen to a variety of music sources on thier home audio systems should like it.
If you are one of those "audiophiles" whose other digital sources are in the tru high end you may want to go another route.
As an aside it would be nice to have the option of purchasing such innovative products that could be made in North America or western Europe. Grace Digital Wireless Hi-fi Internet Radio Tuner featuring Pandora and NPR (GDI-IRDT200)
The Grace Digital internet stream tuner is a great product, which I thoroughly recommend. Some highlights:
1-Feels solid. Like a quality home audio component, in a metal case. Other stream tuners are made of cheap plastic or have odd shapes more appropriate for a bedside table than a stereo cabinet.
2-Good firmware. Tunes and buffers quickly, and doesn't crash if a stream is corrupt or absent. Convenience features include searching and history.
3-Linked with the Reciva website. You can make all adjustments to your "My Stations" list via a web browser, instead of the small buttons on the remote control. Also updates its address listings from Reciva, so the unit does not go out of date.
4-Has both wired and wireless ethernet. May not be important for all, but was a must-have for me.
5-Has both digital and analog outputs. Allows easy connection to home theater preamps and a/v processors.
6-Convenient onboard headphone output (with volume control). You can listen to the Grace with headphones, without needing to power up the rest of your stereo equipment.
7-Large LCD clock display when unit is in standby. Big and clear, easily visible from across a room. A bonus, but may be too bright if you are thinking of bedroom use.
This unit costs more than other products that can tune the same web streams. Even an old laptop can be pressed into service as a stream tuner. But you get what you pay for in this case - a solid and supported box that is right at home in your listening room.
I had never heard of Grace Digital Audio before I purchased this tuner. There are not a lot of options if you are looking for a traditional component size internet digital tuner. I was a little apprehensive but was swayed by the reviews here. While the build quality is not up to the major manufacturers like Yamaha or Denon neither is the price. I was looking for an internet radio tuner that fit into my home theater rack. (I have shipped the tuner to Middle Atlantic for measurement and they now have it in their rack shelf database.) This unit does everything I was looking for and much more. The iPhone/iPod app is very well thought out and adds incredible value to owning this tuner. So far the performance is phenomenal and I am listening to music and talk radio from all around the world. Also having access to my digital library, Pandora and Live365 makes this my go to choice for our whole house audio system. I can't praise the functionality of the GDI-IRDT200 highly enough.
I have been listening to local AM and FM stations for years but had enough of the inane chatter of DJs and poor quality sound resulting from weak signals. I am not an audiophile but the quality of the sound from the Grace Internet tuner sounds very good to me. No static, just clear audio. My wife who speaks Russian is able to enjoy stations that originate in Moscow. I hooked up to Pandora w/o a problem and it is free. Rhapsody is available by paid subscription. There is plenty to listen to and enjoy. I don't think I will be playing CDs very often anymore.
I am sorry to report that after one month of use the radio is malfunctioning in ways similar to those reported in the review by Network10. Specifically, it turns on by itself, usually in the middle of the night. Second, it stops playing for about a minute or two and the screen on the radio says "buffering". I would like to attribute the latter problem to my wireless network but I have high speed internet and a premium router so this is unlikely. Also, I have no problem streaming Netflix to my Vizio tv. In my opinion the radio is at fault. For the time that it worked properly, I really enjoyed this device. I am downgrading my rating from 5 stars to 2 as a result of the problems that developed.
I returned my Grace Internet Wireless HI-fi Radio Tuner and ordered another several weeks later hoping for better results. The new one did turn on by itself but Grace customer service suggested shutting off wireless standby (Settings>Network Config>Wireless Standyby>No) and that solved the problem. The other issue of loss of signal (buffering) has not occurred with my second tuner. So, I have upgraded my rating back to 5 stars as this tuner preforms faultlessly. - Wireless Music - Network Audio - Grace - Wifi Radio'
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