Well, since im talking about hundreds of dollars in components... I allways go for non electrical conductive
compounds... this product has nothing to envy to other ArcticSilver products, I'll choose it above AC5 with my
eyes closed. However, when it comes to disipation, well... it is an excellent product, I had a previous experience
with TX-4 from Tuniq and I was simply amazed... on the other hand, the bang for the buck of this 22G presentation
has no rival, so Im pretty happy with this paste, It lowered the temps in the CPU big time over the stock compound
and also manage to lower 3C on a HAWK GTX 460 wich is a cold card already... all in all the value in this presentation
is was my deciding criteria, and didn't let me down! Arctic Silver Ceramique Premium High-Density Thermal Compound - Thermal paste
If you need cpooo gooo for more than one job that lasts and works fantastic every time, then this is your best bet.. Have used this on hundreds of systems with no problems AT ALL, for the price it can't be beat! - Cpu Cooler - Cooling - Cpu Coolers - Hyper 212 Plus'
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