I bought the paperback size LightWedge because I have the hardcover size already and love it. The light distribution on the paperback size unit I received was not the same as the hardcover size. On the paperback size unit the light made "ripples" across the surface, like a drop of water does, making night reading impossible. There were light rings alternating with dark rings across the entire reading surface eminating from the lightsource. I'm not sure if I received a defective unit, but I returned it and will go to a local bookstore and "test" another one before purchasing again. LightWedge Paperback Book Light, Black
I waited almost a year to write my review for this light. Initially, I thought it a little cumbersome to hold into place. I quickly got used to it though and after all this time, I still use it regularly and I've not bought another book light since (except for another lightwedge which I bought for my father). It's good as a bookmark and also for holding down the pages when you're reading. Also, the light is fantastic - covers the whole page instead of one spot and not a lot of reflection in your eyes in pitch dark. I often use it in rooms even when there is light because the light it puts directly over the words just seems to reduce my eye strain - just feels easier on the eyes. My father said he noticed that as well. Great product!
NOTE: Other reviewer says she dislikes because of wavy lines. I've now had mine over a year and a half and I have no idea what she's talking about. I haven't noticed that at all in all this time, so I'm not sure what could cause that for her.
I have looked at this product and had it on my wishlist for some time now. When my birthday and Christmas both passed and it had not been "gifted" to me, I bought it for myself and I have LOVED having it. It is a perfect size to leave in my reading selections as a bookmark and it provides a surprising amount of light, that is not distracting to my partner when I read after dark, or to my baby when I sit in his room and read until he falls to sleep. The carrying case was a great buy, and handy to have to keep the glass clean and safe from harm when not in use. I would highly recommend it!
There were a few tiny spots that seem to be inside the lightwedge when I received it. Have only had it for a few weeks and keep it in a soft cover, but more spots seem to appear. Also, as mentioned in a prior review, there are waving lines that can be annoying.
I love this light and find it fits in my small paperbacks just fine. I am only aware of two sizes: hardback and paperback. Maybe there is a size just for mass market paperbacks. My only issue is that the new models do not have an adjustable light. That was great because when the new batteries are installed the light is a bit too bright for me. I read to get drowsy and fall asleep. Yes, the batteries are a bit hard to install and you must be careful not to break the battery cover, as I did with my very fist light. Yes, it scratches. Yes, the batteries won't last a long time if you leave the light on all night after you've fallen asleep. BUT, you won't set the house on fire. No matter its failings, this is the best book light I have ever, ever used. Best on the market. I'm pretty fussy, and this book lights gets out of the way so you can enjoy your book and those around you can enjoy whatever it is they want to do in the dark.
I bought this 3 years ago and it still is a light unto my night reading. Without disturbing anyone, I bring it everywhere. In the car on long travels it is perfect on the plane. I am ready for another one. My kids use mine for reading in bed too. The best thing is it is pretty tough, it has been dropped and it keep on shinning. Battery life is great too. If you are a faithful reader this is a must. Now they have the magnifying accessory too!
Read all the reviews--they are right on. This set is bulky and awkward. It's confusing--you have to buy the light separate from the magnifier. Plus the light isn't that good. I use them occasionally, when I'm reading very small print. But I'm disappointed...
Maybe I'm just extremely uncoordinated, but this bookwedge is difficult to manage while reading and turning pages. My Carpal tunnel symptons are far worse when attempting to use this product. The surface scratches easily, and reading through fingerprints and smudges is both annoying and unavoidable. - Booklight - Lightwedge - Read At Night - Reading Light'
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