Tegan and Sara's live dvd "It's not fun, don't do it!" is really good.
It contains a live concert with about half the songs off their latest album "So Jealous", and about 4 from the album before that "If it was you" and I think about 3 from their first album. I own the two mentioned but not their first one.
Anyway the live concert is great. The sound, visuals, and camera angles are perfect for you feeling that you are at the show.
There is also a cool "It's not fun, don't do it!" movie by Tegan and Sara about them touring. As well as a cool movie of the making of "So Jealous" their most recent cd.
There is also a cool about 30 min segment of pictures they have taken over the years touring and Tegan and Sara describing what they mean to them.
Also there are music videos from the album "So Jealous":
speak slow
walking with a ghost
videos from the album "If it was you"
monday monday monday
i hear noises
and a video of this song: living room, I am not sure what album it on. I assume the 1st one.
Here are the lengths of the segments:
1. Live concert: 45 min
2. "It not fun, dont do it!": touring movie: about 21 min
3. The making of "so Jealous": about 23 min
4. Photo Album: about 35 min
5. The Marionettes(little puppets of the band): about 12 min
Anyway highly recommended.
Kevin Tegan and Sara: It's Not Fun. Don't Do It!
Great for any Tegan and Sara fan. The footage is great and the girls, along with rest of the band, are hilarious. Definitely a DVD worth checking out even if you're not a fan. You won't regret it! I Definitely, Definitely recommend the DVD to anyone. You will be hooked. The girls have really come a long way and it can be seen through this movie.
When I saw Tegan and Sara in concert last year, I was won over by the ladies' great sense of humor and amusing anecdontes which made the concert that much more enjoyable. On this DVD, you get a sense of that in the bonus materials, but the concert itself has just the music. It's a great show, but I would have loved to see the whole unedited show including between song banter. The music videos are cool as well. Definitely worth picking up especially considering the price!
Not as good as the dvd included with The Con. The production quality isn't as great, and there's even more bickering. And the live portion edits out all of their stage banter! That's what we all love about Tegan and Sara!
But overall, if you're a T&S fan, it's worth your money. I can't get enough! I love these girls!
This dvd focuses and features Tegan and Sara performing one of their concerts live. The only disppointing thing is that all of their famous live on stage banter was edited out. They explain why on the dvd at some point. Though the live concert performance is considered the main focus, what the fans will enjoy the most is an movie about being "On Tour" that is partly directed by Tegan Quin herself. Its a short little movie of the whole band on tour, what they do in their down time such as waiting to be checked into hotel rooms or waiting at gas stations while gas is being refilled, other fun stuff the fans and the people never usually get to see. Fans can get to know their favorite band on a more personal level and not just know the music. Another feature of the dvd that will be a favorite for the fans is the "Making of So Jealus" movie, this is again like the "On Tour" movie and just really gives the fans a chance to get to know the sisters Quin more. Not only this, but the "Making of So Jealous" movie has optional commentary from Tegan and Sara themselves. And if you think thats not enough, they also include all five of their music videos (up to the point of the finishing of the dvd) and each video has optional commentary from the sisters Quin also. Overall, just perfect for any hardcore fan to own, and this dvd is also a great way for the new or casual fan to learn more about the band. Overall, a real treat.
One of Canada's best indie rock bands, Tegan and Sara, don't disappoint with their first DVD release. This disc offers a full concert with commentary, a 'making of' video with commentary, a tour video, music videos, and photos with commentary! There's a lot of Tegan and Sara here to satisfy fans, or anyone interested in a glimpse of what studio work and touring is really like.
The only thing missing from this DVD was the concert banter that Tegan and Sara are known for. For non-fans, I'll just say that a large part of the Tegan and Sara experience is them chatting with the audience, so I wish they'd left it in. I believe they remarked in the commentary that it was removed because it might become dated. Still, I think it would have been a better choice to have both the original version and the edited version, if possible.
I'm still giving this DVD five stars, because all the Tegan and Sara commentary more than makes up for the omission.
I became aware of Tegan and Sara through THE CON. After watching THE CON- THE MOVIE a couple of times, I was hungry for more and came across IT'S NOT FUN. DON'T DO IT. I was struck by how different they appeared in the older DVD. Sara seems so much younger than Tegan and almost like someone who needs to be taken care of. Unlike the Sara of TCTM who tells Tegan off at least three times. DON'T DO IT . . . starts with them in concert. Missing is the in-between song banter but it is still a good mix of getting to know their older material and seeing them play live if you never have. The whole CD is like their past history and THE Con is like the beginning of a new chapter.
When I bought this the only CD of Tegan And Sara's I had heard was So Jealous. So, of course, I was quite pleased with the song selection. However, since then I've heard everything else they've done and their set really kind of disappoints me now. Make no mistake, they showcase their talent perfectly throughout the show but come on, any fan of T&S is sure to have a few gripes about the setlist. Also, while never having seen them live (regretfully), hearing the banter between songs, like one reviewer said, would have been great. Never fear though, the various behind the scenes footage is worth the price alone and, honestly, serves as my favorite part of this DVD.
It's Not Fun, Don't Do It! is one of those music DVDs that has so much going for it that you'll be able to watch it quite a few times before you even begin to feel bored with it. Whether you're watching the show, either one of the behind the scenes features, the music videos, or even the puppet shows, you'll never once find yourself checking your watch or anything else. Beginner or longtime fan, It's Not Fun, Don't Do It! is sure to have something for all types of fans. - Indie Rock - Rad - Canadian - Amazing'
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