I'm and engineer, and I bought this product to help point things out in hazardous or hard to reach areas, follow pipe, and count containers. It has definately lived up to my expectations. I also bought a 1mW red pointer so i could do a side by side comparison.
-power is phenomenal.
-indoor use: although it starts out weak, after a few seconds it'll reach much farther then a red pointer. in a dark building my red pointer has a range of about 50 to 65 yds. this green pointer can reach up to 200yds after just a few seconds. this is very cool, but not terribly useful because you seldom point out things that far away.
-out door use: outside is where this product excels. on a sunny day the red pointer had a range of maybe 10 ft. the green pointer needs to warm up a few seconds first, but then it's visible for up to 20 to 30yds depending on how bright it is. at max power it can reach about 150yds on a medium brightness day. It will work when shined through windows, and one time on a sunny day, i shined it on the top of my 190ft chimney, the dot at the top was weak but visible.
-on super bright, sunny days it's doesn't work very well, but i'm not listing that in the con's because you will need a ridiculously strong laser that would cost a fortune.
-in the dark you can see the beam trailing away, which is really cool, but if you're buying it to mess with people, they'll use it to identify your location.
- It starts off weaker then a regular pointer. after 3 to 5 seconds it'll be brighter then a standard 1mW red pointer (medium power). it can take 10 to 20 seconds to reach maximum power if you haven't used it in a while. customer service said this is normal because the heat-sink needs to heat up
- it's slightly bulkier then a the red pointer. more like a permanent marker then a pen.
- if the electrical contacts between the 2 half's get dirty, it kills performance (although that should be expected of any pen style laser pointer, and they're easily cleaned.
Also, to the guy who thinks it's a "hacked" 1mW pointer because of a sticker he saw - mine arrived with a <30mW sticker on it. Green Laser Pointer 25 mW Professional Military Astronomy Grade
The product performs as advertised. I have a 50 mW from the same vendor and this (30 mW) one was a gift.
While the 30 mW is not as bright as the 50 mW that is to be expected. Both are significantly brighter than my 5 mW version.
They both experience the idosyncratic tendency to require being warmed in the hand or pocket briefly at temperatures below 50 degrees F, as they will not output at full power at low temperatures. Once they have been warmed, they both perform well.
As with the 50 mW version, be very careful where you point the 30 mW. They are both VERY bright and can do harm if shined into someones eyes.
Overall, the vendor delivered ahead of the promise date and the product is as advertised. Will definitely buy from them again.
I would recommend that these be used outdoors, exclusively, as the beams/dots are extremely (that is - too bright) intense and not really suitable for indoor use, such as for presentations (unless used from far away from the screen. The 30 mW is better for indoor use than the 50 mW, if you insist on using one indoors).
DO NOT use them to play with your pets...You could easily blind them with just the reflection!!!
BE CAREFUL with any and all laser pointers, especially these power levels.
(Note: as these are presumed (unverified) to be made in China, the quality may vary. I also presume that the vendor will replace any that do not perform to the advertised specs.)
I bought two of these for my work and both stopped working reliably after a few presentations. There is an obvious rattling within the pointers and the button is loose on both units. The beam is only occasionally bright and rarely steady. They were handled with care and were not dropped. Poor, cheap construction.
I got the one from Planet DQ through here. Comes with a nice storage box. The FCC warning sticker says <50mW, 532nm, Class IIIB. I got it for amature star gazing, and for that it works very well. The beam seems to go on forever. Very brightly lights up tree tops from way far away. I was able to see the beam just after stepping out into the dark from a bright room, and when standing under a street light and looking up at it, and in the middle of the day in a somewhat dark room. This is very strong, and made my eyes a little sore just looking at the green dot when I was playing with it inside. Construction feels sturdy, and button is basic but comfortable. Fits well in the hand and pocket.
I received this alleged 30mw laser and a 5mw laser from dealextreame at the same time today. My order came from CE Compass. After opening the product and using it, I was proud to have purchased it. But when I compared it to my 5mw, I was upset to see that the 5mw was BRIGHTER. There was no label on the pointer to indicate it's power, and none if the options on the manual had been marked. After 5 mins or use, it randomly started to get this diffraction, and there would be a slight distortion in the beam. About 15 mins later, the laser stopped working completely. My other laser however is still fully functional.
Not only is there false advertising involved, but the product itself stopped working altogether. I am throughly upset with this waste of money and will never purchase from CE compass again. My order from DX took almost two weeks to come in, but I'd prefer the wait over a complete waste of time and money. - Excellent Product - Green Laser - Laser Pointers - Fun'
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