Pro Evolution Soccer has always been a favorite sports franchise of mine. While I know many prefer the FIFA series, I've always gotten PES. So when I heard that one of the 3DS launch titles was going to be PES2011 I was intrigued but slightly worried. Usually with handheld devices it seems that they get the scaled down, not as fun or deep little brother of the console version. But once I popped in PES2011 I was surprised to say the least. The graphics, both with the 3D and without the 3D, are fantastic. Nintendo has really stepped up when it comes to their games graphical capabilities. The gameplay is smooth as ever although in some spots after you score the framerate can drop slightly. The Analog stick really helps movement and the shooting, passing, and kicking all feel really good.
The 3D does add a ton of depth when playing, making the field seem bigger then it really is, although I will say in really close matches I turned it off so I could focus on the playing and not the visual spectacle that comes from the 3D.
All in all if you love soccer or just want a really well done sports game for the 3DS then you can't go wrong with PES2011 Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D
I'm a big fan of the PES series, I've been playing the series since the PS1 when it was known as winning eleven, anyways, since this is a portable game I wasn't expecting it to be as good as its big brothers for the PS3/360 but when I played the game for the first time I was really blown away by how good the game is, the graphics are really good and the 3d effect is really well done, the controls take some time to get used to but once i got the hang of it the game became really fun, i can easily see myself putting more than 100 hours into this game!
My 3DS has my time totaled at nearly 20 hours with PES 2011 3DS, and while I would have liked some scenario modes and some US clubs, I can find little to fault. The 4 modes on offer are basic exhibition which allows some international squads, UEFA Championship, Master League (Franchise mode), and Street Pass play which allows you to use your team from ML locally while unlocking classic/hidden players. The default camera mode is Player perspective, and while it shows off the 3D (which is sharp and stunning in its sweet spot) can leave your head dizzy from the swirling camera as well. I found that a great place to start for learning the controls is Amateur mode with camera set to wide you will be able to read the moves of AI teammates much more clearly with its horizontal camera as well as learn the necessity of the cross/center pass, however players are small and the 3D effect is less pronounced. I was happy to find the controls are more similar to FIFA than I was expecting, but there are numerous feint techniques etc for the player looking for depth to control that are unique to this title. The only issue control wise is that shots/crosses require a really quick tap as any kind of press harder will result in glaringly high or wide blast from your striker most often. Most soccer titles mirror this though but it seems accentuated in this game. The edit mode allows for player, stadium and tournament NAME only re-editing but player attributes can also be tweaked. The graphics represent player movements and real life images to a surprising degree, MESSI really feels and plays like MESSI for example. Menus and options are all clear and the touch screen strategy switching is easy to set and utilize as are formations. The commentary is a bonus for a portable and the sound on surround really gives some depth and space to the audio in the stadiums. Without a doubt the 3D visuals set this game apart and will most likely become a standard for the genre going forward.
The reviews that praise this game are spot on. I had gotten Madden football before this and sure, it's a good football game. But the graphics on this PES Soccer game are much better than the football game. I've never been much of a soccer fan but after reading the reviews here I figured it was a pretty safe investment. I'm glad I bought it. The realism surpasses the Madden Football by far. The players are very natural on this where as the players on the football game are very mechanical-looking which you won't notice so much unless you buy this game and see the difference. This Soccer game definitely has the WOW factor! It shows off the 3d capabilities of the 3DS far better than any of my other 6 games. I honestly don't see how Konami could have possibly made this game any better. It's darn near perfect. The 3D is so effective and the players are so life-like you feel as if you could pick them up with your fingers! I'm serious! Their fluid movements and manerisms are about as natural looking as anything I've ever seen on a video game. I'm completely impressed. Sometimes a kicked ball looks as if it will come right out of the game and zoom right by you. If you're torn between buying this or the Madden football, I'd say buy this! The graphics, action and pace of this game is better...I love it! You will too - even if, like me, you've never been a soccer fan before. You will love this!
All my kids have the DSi XL. I bought my Nintendo 3DS during the midnight opening at Gamestop. The 3DS is for daddy. :) I didn't care for the games that have come out so far except for PES2011 Soccer. I'm only a Mario, Zelda, and sports gamer. I already have SF IV on my iPhone and the graphics on there are really good. The soccer game is amazing! It is much better than FIFA 11. It's takes a little used to for the controls and 3D (which can be turned off), but I really love the field view of the game! I highly recommend this game. I think it is the best game that launched with the 3DS.
i'm a great fan of we or in this present time pes, so i could say this version is a good game, konami could do it better like the others versions of the other gameconsoles but the game modes makes this game too short and the replay value was no taken in his development, is like experimental demo pes 2011 or game forced for the launching system. Konami needs to pulls the version pes 2012 exploiting the unique features of the 3ds like edit players using camera or photos.
awesome graphics with enhaced 3d feature, make a exquiste vision of the stadium and players.
a special camera view for the 3d effect.
cannot create or edit players faces, points, etc.
cannot play online
cannot save replays
the master league mode is totally different of the others versions.
not include cup or leagues modes (like copa santander libertadores) and other club teams. - Lego - Konami - Games - Nintendo 3ds'
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