This clock fulfills all of your travel needs. I spent a half hour slogging thru the dozens of Amazon travel clocks to find this one. I can't believe no one else has reviewed it. I refuse to trust wake up services. When I have to leave for the airport at 4am, I want my own reliable alarm clock to wake me up.
My old digi-clock of twenty years just pooped out. I liked it cuz it was digital (no ticking sound), small (size of pack of cigarettes, EZ time set and inexpensive at $10+. The EZ time set is the most important feature for me. I hate those clocks that one has to run thru 23 hours to change the time back by one hour. This clock allows one to +/- just one hour (or minute). It is essential when cruising in the Carribee or Mex Riviera where the time zone changes almost nightly.
We don't wear wrist watches any more and it is nice to whack the clock in the middle of the night to see the time. Is it almost time to get up at 6am or can one roll over at midnight? Elgin Folding Travel Alarm Clock, Black
I needed a travel clock with a snooze function. I also didn't want those strange knob-controls to set the alarm and time.
The only thing I dislike is that the clock opens only to a 90 degree angle. Reclining slightly further would have made more sense, as I don't care to contort my body to see what time it is.
However, I agree with the previous reviewer - just get this if you need a travel clock, its the best one offered on Amazon.
My first impression when I got this clock was that the time-setting buttons and sequences are not at all intuitive. This means I will have the carry the little instruction sheet with me when I take the clock on a trip. I also would have preferred a more common battery type like an AAA or AA. Other than that it seems to perform it's intended function.
I am updating the review I posted above since I've had a chance to use this product for a year or so. I now use this as my everyday alarm clock and I am very happy with it. I use it often enough that the time-setting buttons are now pretty familiar to me. The best thing is that the batteries seem to last quite awhile, unlike other alarm clocks I've had. I am just changing them now for the first time.
I bought this clock to replace my beloved Westclox travel alarm that was a clam shaped little clock that was faithful to me for some 15 years.
I'm online right now because of this clock. Can't continue to use it because it drives me nuts. Time to replace it.
Pro: It shows time, day of the week, and date of the month.
Con: If you look at it too hard, it tips over backwards. If you touch it, it tips over backwards. Most of the time, I just keep it closed. The snooze alarm only gives you four extra minutes. Ultimate betrayal - once in a while, even though the alarm is set properly, it just decides not to sound its alarm. That's when I want to smash it!
I wasn't expecting this to be a great clock, especially for $12, but this is the worst clock I have ever owned. I read a review about this clock that the programming of it is counter-intuitive. That didn't even bother me that much. However, as the clock is sitting there open, all the numbers would just disappear. It's as if it were shutting off or going to power save mode, but it would do this about 10 seconds after I opened its face.
When I would push the light, the screen would just flash 88:88 as if I was pushing so hard on the light and it was forcing each block of numbers to light. I tried setting it 4 times. Each time I would set it, it would be set for about 10 seconds, then go into that "power save mode" and when I got it back up it would flash 12:00 am. And it takes about 5-10 minutes to set everything. So after doing it 4 times, I gave up.
I'm hoping the one that I have is a factory default. If not, I could not imagine a terrible clock like this ever selling. Buyer beware on this "nice priced" travel clock.
I gave this to my husband for Father's Day since his old Scientific Oregon alarm clock was falling apart. He says it's great. I guess my only complaint would be the batteries it uses - I would prefer that it used AA or AAA bateries.
If you're a sound sleeper and need a loud alarm clock, this one just won't do. The alarm is very high pitched and scarcely louder than a watch alarm. I knew the first time I tested it that I'd sleep right through it.
It makes a decent windowsill clock in the kitchen, though. That's what I'm using mine for now.
I ordered the Equity by La Crosse 13012 Twinbell Alarm Clock for waking up.
I went to the Amazon.com site to explore the vast amount of travel alarm clocks that they offer. My first impression after reading the reviews was that there are many to choose from but that they all seem to be, shall we say, lacking. Having said that, I picked one in which I liked the features and plunged in. I loved the design of this travel alarm clock because the blue bar to press in order to illuminate the clock is big and in the front and it lights up in a blue color. If you can't find that button and can't read those big numerals you would have to be blind lol When I received it I just loved the design and ease of setting it. Then the problems started. When I closed the lid and reopened it the time was no longer correctly set. It always went to 12 midnight. After fiddling around with it to find the problem, it seemed that the cover that slides over the batteries doesn't hold the batteries in so that the batteries make a constant connection. I gave it to my husband to jerry-rig it by putting a layer of something in it to press the batteries against the connectors (it doesn't have springs to function in that way). It worked for a while but then crumbed on me again. My husband took another look at it and was out in the sunshine and noticed that three of the four screws on the bottom were missing. They are tiny and painted black so no one noticed it before. Naturally we thought that was the problem so he headed down to the electronics store not far from us that he frequents and and found three screws to put in it. You'd think that would work, but no. So he put a band of plastic in place with the two screws that are on the same side as the battery compartment and slipped another smaller band under that so there was pressure on the battery compartment. NOW it works. Whew! The only reason I didn't send it back was because I love the design and according to the reviews it's six of one and a half dozen of another. And hubby was willing and able to give it a go. Sad but true, like it says in large lettering on the back, "Made in China". Chinese POS and everything seems to come from China. BUYER BEWARE. - Travel Clock - Travel Clocks - Avoid - Alarm Clock'
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