I purchased one of these about 10 years ago, it worked flawlessly lighting cigars, soldering wiring terminals and lighting an outdoor cooking fire or two. I lost it one day and purchased two more. The replacement has been working for five years, and I sent the other to a friend who needed one. Now mine went through the washer, so it is a little harder to light, but still works. I just ordered another. Blazer PB207 Butane Refillable Torch Lighter - Clear
Upon receiving this small pocket torch I was very happy with the way it performed. Exceptionally hot flame and seemed to be working fine. A short time later it wouldn't even ignite. I wish that I could say that it was over-used or abused and therefore it failed but unfortunately this isn't the case. After light usage, the torch simply won't work. I used the best gas available for these to no avail. I enjoyed it and was very pleased at first but having stopped working in such a short time I have to say that although this is a good idea, it simply doesn't hold up.
First of all this is torch lighter will work almost forever. The flame will get hot enough to solder, even melt a penny. The tank will even hold enough fluid to burn for an extended amount of time. The only real draw back is the lighter is not wind proof. Even the smallest breeze will easily blow out the flame. So if you plan on a purchasing a lighter that you will NEVER use outdoors or even under a fan, then this is a good choice.
excellent product, would recommend this for any cigar smoker..Works better then those high dollar good looking lighters. I would diffidently purchase another when the time comes to replace mine. Had one years ago and it was always dependable until I dropped it one to many times.....Money well spent!!!!!
When I first seen the price of this lighter I was a little weary, I have bought other expensive lighters and they really do not work as well as one might be led to believe. I must say the Blazer works fantastically. Lights in wind and as long as you get descent fuel it will keep working. Really a great lighter not just for your smokes but small projects which may require a little torch.
I've known about these since the early 90's, and had one for 10 years. My old one developed a small hole in it, so it would'nt hold butane anymore. The piezzo still works,after 1,000's of lights. If there is anyway to send it back to the factory to get a new butane reservoir, I would. In the meantime,I purchased a new one.
I was looking to buy another PB207 so I came to Amazon, as I bought mine about ten years ago from an online welding supply house. To be honest I was amazed at the poor reviews. The quality of the product must have went south as I use this lighter on a regular basis with no issues. Once in a blue moon I need to click it twice to light. Overall it has been very reliable for lighting cigars indoors and now all most always outdoors or in my truck. I use Savinelli butane all of the time as it is has been my "go to" fuel for over 20 years. I smoke a pipe and use a Savinelli "Old Boy" with an angled flame. I do not sell lighters or do I have anything to gain by my positive comments other than expressing my good luck with this lighter. I guess the only thing I do is always make sure it is full of fuel I have never let it get less than half full. I have the clear model with no child safety feature.
I've had mine for over 10 years, it still works. Lights with the first click every time. Not sure what is going on with these bad reviews. The bottom is hard to unscrew? You don't have to unscrew anything, just press the compressed lighter fluid can nozzle into the hole and it fills right up. When I bought mine it was about twice as expensive. I would say this is a really good deal.
My first Lighter was purchased about 8 years ago and it still works. I purchased my 3rd Micro Torch because I think these are solid and well worth the money. I gave my 2nd lighter to a young G.I. that went to Afghanistan. I have no doubt he will return with stories of this serving him for a variety of purposes. If I could afford to send each one in his outfit this lighter I would gladly send them with no reservation. This is a solid lighter and well worth the money. My first lighter eventually lost the screws but it still lights every time I use it. I have to hold it tight but the piezoelectric still sparks and the flame still lights hot blue. I would recommend this to anyone that needed a lighter to depend on. I don't care for the safety feature on the new ones because I have to show people how to use it every time they borrow it. However, I know how to use it and would still recommend it to anyone wanting a lighter that will last for years. Although it is not wind proof, it is wind resistant and it burns hot from day one to year 8. I have had more expensive lighters that get clogged jets or just plain quit, but not this one. Buy it and you won't be disappointed. - Accessories - Lighters'
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