Of the tons of TV converter boxes that flooded the market in 2009 when the big switchover from analog to digital happened, this was the best.
Major advantages:
* Additive scan. Great for rescanning to find more channels, without losing your existing channels. Essential for anybody who uses an antenna rotator.
* Manual tuning, with signal meter. You can select a RF channel, even if it hasn't been scanned in yet. Also essential for use with a rotator.
* Solid software. Decodes all channels and subchannels, even "audio only" channels that confuse other boxes.
The disadvantages are few:
* No S-Video output.
* Remote control is small and feels cheap. Be gentle or you will break it.
Get this box, if you can. They are very hard to find these days. Zenith DTT901 Digital TV Tuner Converter Box
I now have three of these and all of them for a year or more. One does not work at all anymore and the other two have problems. When new, they seem to be quite good and have very good reception and picture quality. However, after awhile they start shutting down for no reason and need three or more restarts before staying on. This seems to get worse over time and sometimes they will need a power cord pull reset. One was used in my garage and these do not turn on if the temperature is around 30-40 or colder.
This is a very nice converter box. I can get more channels and the picture is perfect. One thing is the guide. I'd like to be able to scroll through a channel to see what is going to be on later in the day. Other than that its a great buy!
After dealing with these boxes (every TV in the house has to have one now) for over a year I've become accustomed to the features and how they work. This one was a breeze. It was easy to hook up and it programed itself. I've been using it for only a month but so far I'm quite satisfied.
I bought this to replace my Directv Tuner. This unit worked better then the HDTV Tuner Directv provided. Nice features for the price. Would be worth twice to three times as much if it came with component outputs and 5.1 audio. I would recommend this unit to everyone. Well worth the money.
My DTT901 changes channels by itself. It does this infrequently, but the frequency of occurrence is increasing. It does it when connected to antenna and VCR set to record in a room with no person or animal in the room at all. It changes down one channel, like from 13.2 to 13.1. Zenith says they have never heard of this condition before. I use it to record programs to the VCR when I cannot watch during the broadcast. It is annoying to have the channel change during my program recording.
Product worked fine for first few times I used it. Then it started acting up and now will not work at all. Very disappointed with product.
What bothers me the most is LG, the service company. They cannot seem to get their act together to send me a return/ repair form for the unit.
I would not recommend LG electronics for anybody.
I bought this box because of the reviews that claimed better reception over the competitors. I have 2 of these boxes and I have had mixed results. I use them in my RV and so I have had a number of chances to try them out in different locations. When I use them at my house the picture and reception have been amazing. I live in the suburbs and close to the broadcast towers on the mountains nearby. When I have traveled to other areas it has been spotty. I camped about 25 miles outside of Las Vegas and got nothing on the box. I have used them in Temecula, CA and got some channels but at times the picture was garbled and the I was only able to get 10 channels to come in clearly. I am using a Winegard antenna that is fixed to the top of the RV. I might change to a different version of antenna to see if I can improve the results. - Digital Converter Box - Dtv - Converter Box - Zenith'
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