Playing Dungeon Siege 2 is like playing Dungeon Siege 1. There's absolutely no difference in playing style, a few improved graphics, a new skill tree, lots of things to kill, a "save at town" save feature, and a mysterious bug where items you had in your pack seem to disappear when you respawn after getting slaughtered.
Technical Part:
The game comes in a whopping 4 CDs (or 5?). Comes in a nice plastic case, and a manual. Installation is straightforward. Install, replace CD, click OK, then wait, then put next CD. The game runs pretty well on a medium build PC (e.g 2.5g P4 with a 128 mb card). You can always adjust the resolution and texture quality of the game. No crash to desktops. All in all, pretty stable installation and game playing
Ok...now the bug. For some reason you lose items when you respawn after getting slaughtered. Now...it only happened to me once. After hearing other players about it, I realized it is an existing bug. So...my advice. Keep all your important stuff in the storage.
There's no point in really trying to focus on who to target specifically when the fighting starts. You can get mobs thirty deep so all you can really do is squint and view the monsters, the special lighting effects, and a mass of confusing graphic paperdolls hacking away at each other. Getting mobbed by thirty baddies is almost downright impossible to see your team from the rest of the unforgiving hordes of baddies. There's a lazy fix to this. Go to Options and select: Auto Attack and Auto Defend. This puts your Dungeon Siege 2 act like it's Dungeon Siege 1. Remember the first Dungeon Siege where the game auto kills anything without mashing your mouse button? Well, you can do that here too through the Options menu. Select both options, sit back and relax...throw a few heal potions using hotkeys and you have one automated hack slash festival.
So....is the game any better than other hack and slash games? Umm...nope. In fact, DS2 borrowed so many concepts and structures from Diablo 2...from storage chest, teleporters,save a town only feature, skill tree, and separating the whole game into chapters. You can say DS2 is the 2005 version of Diablo 2. Structure and framework almost similar to Diablo 2.
How's the fun factor? Well...let me put it this way. If you don't want to think too much and you basically just want to get your mind involved to do stuff (besides sleeping and staring at the TV), DS2 does the job well. It's one of those games where you just want to play it and not lose your mind over a brain-damaging puzzle. It's a pure hack-slash mindless romp across exotic locales. Sometimes it's good not to use your brain and just want to relax. Well...DS2 does. It's a good game. Good graphics...simple and easy to beat. My advice: BUY IT. Dungeon Siege 2
Dungeon Siege II is finally out!! This is computer RPG gaming at its finest. The graphics are great, the gameplay is addictive, and there's even a storyline!
First, you create your character. You can be a human, an elf, a dryad (wood / nature spirit) or a half giant (large, brawny type). Each race of course has its strengths and weaknesses. There is some basic customization of how you look - light / medium / dark skin, hair style and color - but really, your character on the screen is about 1/2" tall on good resolutions. It's not worth obsessing much over how those teeny pixels look :)
Off you are launched into your world. You don't choose class or profession or anything like that. In a style that I really love, what you do determines what you progress in. If you do a ton of archery, your archery skills increase. If you do a ton of combat magic, your combat magic skills increase. It makes sense.
You start off as a mercenary assaulting a village area. I have to admit that I didn't like this beginning. First off, it says you and your blue-haired elf friend have been mercenaries for many years, yet they have you hitting training dummies. I realize this is necessary for helping newbies learn the combat system, but really, they could have had a pre-assault training area, instead of landing you on a beach and then saying "Oh wait we have some training dummies here for you to play with" :). Also, having the instructors call you "maggot" and "worm" incessantly got a bit much. Someone was watching a few too many old boot-camp movies.
However, soon enough you are free of the mercs and off on your adventure. The characters you interact with seem real, they have their motivations, secrets and goals. It's up to you which people you want to help out. I really would have loved more options in the dialogue - sometimes they only give you one option and I really don't agree with it. It made me feel like my personality was cemented in a style I did not enjoy.
The combat is great, of course, and as you build up party members, you really get into some massively fun fights with spells flaring, arrows flying and swords swinging. You have to learn what area the large creatures are weak in, and exploit those weaknesses to win. You can't just hack and slash your way through if you want to do well. By customizing your party members, along with pets, you can really have the combat experience match your individual style.
Add in the armor / weapon enhancements, the ability to resurrect or to have corpses brought back to safety (for a small fee), and general teleportation fun, and the game really does address many of the annoying issues that make other, similar RPGs a bit cumbersome. For example, if you leave a corpse in a field of battle, it still of course has your "stuff" on it. You can choose to try to wade back into battle with a "fresh you" to retrieve your stuff, or you can pay to have the corpse brought back into town magically.
Once you finish the main game on all 3 difficulty levels, there is endless fun in online multiplayer action!
Highly recommended! - Rpg - Action Rpg - Video Games - Fantasy'
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