I needed to replace my old Panasonic 5.8 phone system. The old handsets had been dropped too many times, battery life had dropped to nothing and none of the replacement batteries were worthwhile.
Onto this product, however.
Reading the other reviews I was afraid that my GSM phone was going to cause it to drop calls. Fortunately that was NOT the case. I've had my GSM Moto Razor sitting next to the base and next to a handset and had no drop (some static, but no drops) when receiving a call.
The range is fantastic. Areas of my house where my phone used to lose connectivity are clear as a bell with the new phone.
A really pleasant surprise is the battery. Demonstrating some unheard of common sense the new device uses 2 AAA rechargeable batteries instead of a proprietary battery pack.
Good clarity
Great range
AAA rechargeable batteries
Corded handset on the base
none so far... Panasonic DECT 6.0 2-Line Black Corded Cordless Phone with Two Handsets (KX-TG9392T)
This phone is a decent choice for a 2-line cordless phone. The corded base station is a nice plus and sound quality is excellent. Range is pretty good too.
However, for me, the negatives of this phone were a deal-beaker. The phonebook has no speed dial numbers and it takes multiple keystrokes to get into the menu to look up numbers to dial. Likewise, accessing the caller ID log takes multiple keystrokes to see the log. Both should be single key access from the idle mode.
The voicemail indicator is via text on the screen, not the light on the top of the phone so I often missed seeing waiting messages. It also seemed the VM detect was flakey as I often had messages and the phone did not display them.
The ringer sounds and volumes are poor. I use this in a office environment and the softest ringer is quite loud and there is only one normal electronic ring sound (bad design for a 2-line phone!)
Finally the biggest problem of all - the cordless handsets will randomly go "dead". After speaking about this with Panasonic they told me there may be a problem with iPhones interfering with the handsets and making them go dead. They said there were other reports on the internet of this being a problem but had not concluded their study. Since I'm an iPhone user, I guess I won't be a Panasonic phone user.
I own the KX-TG6502 2-line and 5.8GHz handsets. I first replaced them with the Philips dect 2-line SE6591B/17, which although a beautiful looker, was a tough sell for my workgroup because of the menus and feature set. I returned it to Amazon and bought the DECT version of the Panasonic to increase range and decrease AM bleed from a local broadcast tower.
In response to a previous poster who said the range on this Panasonic is not as good as its 5.8G counterpart, I found that the KX-TG3932T range was improved for the first week of ownership. I thought we'd solved range issues by upgrading, and although calls sounded fine at my end, the other party heard intermittent stuttered and garbled speech. Within a few days of ownership both handsets started to display erratic behavior. Callers said we sounded underwater with or without speakerphone. It wasn't subject to the same interference from a nearby AM transmitter as the 5.8GHz version, but something was interfering with it...I don't own an iPhone but we use two UMA Blackberrys that may have been the culprits. It seemed to come and go with atmospherics or other unknown variables. With this model I sat at my desk next to the base and several callers said they couldn't understand me...that's when I said send this one back, the Philips was a much better sound.
In Philips vs. Panasonic 2-Line DECT the differences are: adding a contact to the Philips syncs both handsets, whereas the Panasonic takes more steps. The Philips range is hands down better and more crystal clear. Both are very similar, yet I like the feel of the panasonic better. the volume on the 5.8 Panasonic and the Philips DECT were both better than this model, plus this should have the sync-to-address-book usb cable function that other panasonic models have offered.
Physically I like the decreased weight of the handset, the great sound, and the superior ergonomics, but your mileage may vary. Once I passed 30-40 feet and a couple walls it was worse than the 5.8 version. Though it lacks some advanced features like talking caller ID, color display, or custom rings, it is a good replacement for 5.8GHz technology...just not for our setup. I hope the next version is better.
I purchased the base station and 4 additional cordless phones from Amazon this past summer. I selected this model because we have two lines coming into our home; the first line is for family and the second line for business.
The good news is that the audio quality is excellent, the range is impressive (work perfectly over our 5 acre hobby farm), and they go for weeks without recharging, the intercom function works well, and they could not have been easier to setup.
The bad news is base station and the cordless phones selection of assignable ring tones do not match, at all. You also have to program them into each phone one at a time. If someone changes their phone number and you want their ring tone to follow them, you must edit their profile on every cordless.
Another problem is when the phone rings at night, the numbers light up, but the answer button does not, and it is small and hard to sense by touch, making it necessary to turn on the light, which does not go over well with ones mate.
This product is not ready for market, and definitely NOT what I would expect from a heretofore well respected company like Panasonic.
I would have sent them back had I not mistakenly recycled their boxes. - Panasonic Cordless Phone - Dect Phone - 2 Line Phone - 2-line Cordless Phone'
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