This calculator got me through two years of advanced high school math, two and a half years of college calculus, and general use almost every day at work as an engineer/scientist. It is my calculator of choice for EVERYTHING from simple arithmetic to graphing complex equations, to solving integrals and differential equations. The battery life has been phenomenal -- I maybe change them out once a year, if that. I have used it almost every day for 15 straight years. Contains some very powerful features and functions for almost any math need you can throw at it. You can purchase a used TI-85 for not much money these days as well. True, it may not be as easy to use as the TI-83, but I would never give up my TI-85 for anything. Texas Instruments TI-85 Graphing Calculator
I first bought mine in high school in 1996 and it's still going strong to this day. This is a great calculator and it has all the functions necessary to carry you through high school and college match classes (and beyond). If yours doesn't arrive with a manual, it is available online at the following link: [...]
I've owned and used the same TI-85 since 1998. Its been a good friend during math tests. I can' attest to how difficult it is to navigate compared to some of the newer models, but its not hard to figure out. Also it will convert decimals to fractions, though it takes more than just pressing one button. I'm not sure about the tables, though I seem to remember doing something with that in High School. Over all I think this a great calculator and if you have patience to learn all it can do, you will be more than happy with it.
I purchased the TI-85 hoping to save some money. Unfortunately, the TI-85 is much less user-friendly than the more popular TI-83. Graphing is trickier, and if there's a way to bring up a table view instead of a graph view, I still haven't found it (I bought mine used so I didn't get a manual). Also, the calculator does not have a key to convert decimals to fractions. If you just need to use this as a basic scientific calculator, then it will get the job done for you. If you need to do more complex math and graphs, save up some extra money and buy a TI-83.
I've been using this calculator since 1993 with no problems whatsoever. It got me through an engineering degree back then and another more recently (just finished). During this second degree, I purchased a TI-89 and did not like it at all. While it does a lot of things that the 85 doesn't, I found it less intuitive to use for what I need. It does so much that it can be difficult to find the things you need to do.
The 85 handles complex numbers and simultaneous equations with ease, as well as definite integrals. For indefinite integrals and symbolic math, you may need a newer model.
you really should get a ti-82 they are better and the graphing functions are easier to use i got one at a garage sale for 4.00 and i think that it was reasonable but not for the price that amazon chares, unreal - Texas Instruments - Calculator - Graphing - Ti-85'
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