When you first start using it it hurts at first but after awhile you start getting use to the feel of it. The "nails" are made of plastic and do not hurt you. It's best to start gradually with a thin shirt and then eventually with no shirt at all. I like it because you can put it on any part of your body and you will feel the blood flow going towards the skin. It has a nice warming feeling to it and if you can tolerate the initial pain you will love it. Not sure about the long term medical benefits of it, that is unsubstantiated, but it is a definite relaxation tool. I fall asleep on it.
This mat really helps to relax before bedtime. My back often pops a few times when I first lay down which relieves pain.
I feel this mat was the best buy out there. I paid $29.99 and shipping was free. It appears durable, has a cotton cover, and has a good foam pad inside. I think some of the other top rated pads may be hyped by people that have a financial interest in the pad - be careful of their shipping fees. Anyway I used it the first time without a shirt and was up to 20 minutes by the second use. Just be careful getting on and getting off. If it hurts too much as first, I find by lifting yourself up a little then laying back down can help.
I received this mat today and tried it immediately. I love it! It only took a few minutes to get used to but after that it was very relaxing. I found that I was able to focus on relaxing my muscles even more than just laying around being lazy. I felt great after I got off of it too. I probably stayed on it for @ 10 minutes. I plan on using this everyday!!! P.S. I also had my husband help me lay back on it and he helped raise me off of it too, but I'm sure I will be able to do that myself now that I know what if feels like. - Back Pain - Back Pain Relief - Spike Mat - Neck Pain Relief'
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