This upconverting DVD player is very small and slim and lightweight. The quality of the picture on my new plasma TV is excellent. I compared the same DVD played on my previous (5 years old) Samsung player with this player and the difference was obvious.
I'm guessing this improvement is due to two reasons: the upconverting process plus the HDMI output. The player also has Component and Composite outputs, but the picture is much better using an HDMI cable to the TV. One slim cable for excellent picture and sound compared to the five bulky cables required by my previous player -- that is also a big improvement. Samsung DVD-C500 Upconverting DVD Player (Black)
I was looking for a new DVD player, one that is region-free and compatible with WMA and AVI files. Well, I did not see any way to make it region-free; the manual says nothing about this, although this player came up in a search for "multi-region DVD players." (And I don't have the necessary tools to activate a code remotely.) Also, it does not play AVI files. Perhaps it was my mistake for not verifying this, but for some reason I thought that it was supposed to. I might have ignored these things if it's regular functions didn't bother me. The most annoying thing is the high-pitched whine that starts whenever starting a regular DVD. (Tried multiple discs.) I've had a number of players and never had that happen. The buttons on front are very basic - only power, open/close, and play. You can't even stop the player. Also, you can only open/close if the power is on, while on other players I've had, that button will also automatically turn the power on. The control isn't very intuitive, and when skipping forward or going to the next or previous chapter, an annoying info box comes up on the screen. In short, this has limited functionality, seems cheaply made, and has some unappealing nonessential features.
The DVD picture looks very sharp via the HDMI cable. Only problem is that it's quite noisy when a DVD is playing inside the machine. If you can deal with a slight hissing noise (emitting from player), get it. If not, you should look for another product.
With my new Samsung 1080p 120Hz 40" LCD TV, DVD's look better with the Samsung upconverting player than with the generic 720 player. The pans look smoother than in the cinema, and it is compact and easy to use with an intuitive menu. The price on Amazon was good, too. Very satisfied.
This player playing on my new Samsung LCD tv looks great. The upconvert and hdmi connection make a difference versus playing movies on my old memorex DVD player. I've only had it close to 2 months but so far its worked well, at first I had a problem with playback which I found out to be amazon's basic 6' hdmi cable, but with the other cable I'm using it works perfect. The quality of the build doesnt seem superb, but exceeds my expectations for the price I paid (I believe it was $25 at the time.)
This Samsung DVD player is fantastic. It has a super picture even on DVD's recorded at 6 hours. I record my favorite TV programs at home. I purchased two other players, Panasonic and Toshiba, and both players would skip and cause the audio and video to go out of sync when I would play back DVD's recorded on another machine. This Samsung works perfectly. I like that it resumes playback where it was stopped, even when the player is turned off. It also displays the current chapter, total chapters, and other disk info when you skip forward.
I purchased this item a few days after Christmas and Before MLK day(less than 3 weeks) the power,chapter back and forward,fast forward and rewind buttons on the remote stopped working but the drawer open/close, pause etc still work. Other conplaints are the size of the more commonly used buttons are TINY. Who uses the EZ view(whatever that does) Subtitle or Marker(whatever that does) buttons on a remote more than a pause or rewind??? Well the Subtitle, EZ View etc buttons are 2x the size of the pause/fast forward etc buttons!!!! Also it claims to be dust proof-Wrong. On the positive side it has a good picture and looks good IMO. It also powers off after about 5 mins on pause. I have never found a uni-remote that will operate every product properly so I must count on each products own remote to work-which this one does not!!! - Samsung - 1080p - Hdmi - Dvd Player'
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