If you're like me, I'm always hesitant to spend money on screen protectors because there are tons of companies out there that make crappy ones that don't fit, don't do what they say they will, and are way to expensive for the flimsy film cover they send you. Yes, I have had some bad experiences in the past! :)
Even though it only comes with one, which I was worried I would mess it up and then be left without anything to show for my money, I will tell you that I am very pleased with this one. It is very easy to apply (take your time), and thick enough to prevent scratches but not cover the screen in a way that takes away from the Nook experience. There is a slight grainy look to it, but I guess that's to be expected from a 'glare reduction' cover. It even comes with a pad to clean your screen off before you apply it. Overall I'm satisifed with the purchase, and would get another one from them for my other electronical devices such as my iphone4. Anti-Glare Screen Protector For NookColor
Directions printed on the outside of the package walk you through putting the protector on, and there are attached tabs to help you along in case you skipped the instructions on the back. I had a bit of trouble lining it up correctly the first time, but it peels up easily for a re-do. Very happy overall, no grain, no glare, just as expected!
It is my opinion that the reviews for this product are not all about the same screen protector because the comments are too varied.
I have this screen protector for my Nook Color and I posted photos of the packaging that it came in (see product description) to show the `model' that I am reviewing. The packaging says `Screen Ward' for Nook Color - Matte. The packaging does not say anti-glare. Overall, I found this to be a very suitable screen protector for my Nook Color.
1. Perfect fit - the screen protector I received fit exactly to the screen. I could not have expected a better fit. (This is one reason that I think people are receiving different products because many reviews say the protector was too small.)
2. Not too difficult to apply - if this is your first screen protector ever, you will probably have a fit. The keys to properly applying a screen protector are patience, a super clean *dust-free* screen, patience, the smooth edge of a credit card or stiff thin cardboard, more patience and no dust. Below I mention some finer points of installing but this protector went down pretty easily.
3. Good adhesion - It may because of the perfect fit but this protector adheres well. The corners of screen protectors sometimes don't adhere well but this one is staying down tight all around.
4. Fingerprints - I can't say that there are none but compared to the unprotected screen I will say...Wow. As a clean freak, fingerprints (even mine) all over my screen weird me out. Using this protector...not so bad.
4. Not easily scratched - I did a few scratch tests without being abusive and they didn't mark this protector at all. I didn't go overboard with my tests since I like this protector but I have had enough others to expect this protector to hold up well to minor abrasions.
5. Anti-glare - I did not buy this protector for anti-glare but the matte finish gives it a good anti-glare quality. When reading with a lamp behind me, the glare is significantly reduced compared to no screen protector. Don't ask why I have a lamp on behind me when using my supercool Nook Color that needs no additional lighting.
1. Instructions are non-existent (see photos of instructions on back of package - that is all there is). Not a problem if you have any experience applying a screen protector but it could be confusing if this is your first one. Maybe someone can explain to me what this means: "If has any question to paste in the course, can carefully to take it out, paste it again".
2. Accessories or lack thereof - Polyester cleaning cloth (thin, small, useless), bubble-squeezer-outer (none).
3. Matte Finish - Not all anti-glare protectors are matte or (I should say) not "as matte" as this protector. I was not expecting a matte finish and it wasn't advertised as such.
All that being said, I will pass on a few points about installing this screen protector:
- Out of the box, the protector is really 3 sheets of plastic sticking together. There are the front and back pieces which are protecting the screen protector during shipment and while you install it. Each of these has a sticker on the edge of it labeled Step 1 and Step 2, respectively.
- After cleaning your screen and minimizing the dust, place the protector on your screen with Step 1 side facing down. Align and make sure you like the fit. Lift the protector and slowly peel back the Step 1 side allowing the exposed screen protector to contact the screen. Do not go far until you are positive that you are aligned on the edge and corner. Peel it up from the screen (but not off) only if you have to in order to get the protector straight. Don't worry about bubbles just yet - worry about straight.
- When you have a good edge or corner going, continue to peel off Step 1 side letting the protector contact the screen. If you started straight and have a clean screen, you will have minimal bubbles. After you have the protector down at least halfway you can work out large bubbles with the edge of a credit card. Don't worry about small bubbles yet. Continue pulling off Step 1 side until you have the protector completely down.
- Do not remove step 2 yet. Use your credit card or whatever (I prefer a hotel room keycard) to work any remaining bubbles to the side. Have patience - if you started with a clean screen, you can get rid of all the bubbles. Work the corners and edges good, even if they look OK.
- If you have small bubbles that simply will not move it is because there is a piece of dust trapped under your protector. Tough luck. You can peel the protector off and start over but peeling off will only add to your dust problems on the sticky side of the protector. Starting from scratch and using your new experience with a new protector is a better idea.
- When you are happy, gently peel off side 2 sticker and you are done.
A few more things I have learned about applying screen protectors. None of these are my original ideas but mostly found in other reviews over time and they work:
- Dust is the enemy. The best place to install your screen protector is a steamy bathroom where all of the evil dust has been beat down by the moisture. Not too steamy though, you don't want to capture moisture under the protector.
- Your screen is never clean enough to install a protector. No matter how clean it looks, clean it again. I use diluted isopropyl alcohol with a lint free cloth. In a steamy bathroom. Alone.
- Check the fit of the protector before starting. Duh. Checking the fit gives you an idea of where you might have problems, which edge you want to start on, etc.
- Latest news: Do the long edge first. If you get the first side straight, installing the long edge first is definitely the way to go. - Screen Protector - Nook - Nook Screen Protector - Accessories'
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