This unit sets up in about 10 minutes, has excellent reception, and works exactly as advertised. The good thing is, you can put it in your bedroom and be assured of getting woken up in time to get to shelter during tornado alerts and warnings (serious stuff here in the midwest). The bad thing is, you get the same shrieking alert for severe thunderstorm warnings, something I'd just as soon sleep through. It's worth the hassle to keep your family safe, but just be aware that while you can select what SAME areas you're getting alerts for, you can't select which types of alerts you'll get. Midland WR100 Weather Radio
I live in Oregon, which is not noted for severe storms, but I was really caught "off guard" last week when a severe thunderstorm with a large amount of hail blew through. Severe weather can occur almost anywhere! Shortly after the storm, I ordered one of these weather alert radios to keep me more aware of any local hazard that could pose a threat.
The radio itself is quite sensitive, and provides reception of several more distant weather stations that can not be picked up by less sensitive receivers such as the general purpose (AM/FM/TV/Wx) Sony 410 (see my review of the Sony).
The big deal here is the weather alert function... The radio can be set to be silent until it receives a specially coded message from the NOAA weather station. The radio can be programmed to respond to "codes" from one area or several, so you can adjust your "zone of protection" to suit your needs. When a warning that affects the area that you have programmed in (by setting specific SAME codes) is detected, a loud alarm or flashing light or voice alert will sound (your choice).
If it is desired to hear a weather report, just push the "weather" button on the unit and listen... very much like those old Radio Shack "weather cubes" that were very popular 20 years ago, but with better reception.
Everyone should have one (or more) of these!
This Midland WR-100B is a must for every homeowner to have as a safety warning device.
I purchased mine in January after a tornado hit a town in indiana at 3:00 AM and caught many who were sleeping off guard and since then it has given us piece of mind at night and while we are sleeping. on most occasions the warnings are always 7 to 10 minutes ahead of the tv and radio alerts.
The LEDS advise you if theres a warning or a watch and it also scrolls along the screen along with a very loud auduble alarm, it also has the S.A.M.E. programming so you can pinpoint the correct NOAA weather station for your town or county eliminating false alarms that may alarm you from another area or town.
After having this radio I would not be without one and this radio performs great. There is also a red strobe light that you can purchase optional that also inhances the warnings at night to catch your attention should you be sleeping this also has performed well.
Overall this radio has performed great and has alerted us of a couple of tornado warnings and has given us ample time to react and prepare.
I hope this reveiw may help you this weather radio is a bargain for the price.
This purchase was my third one of these radios! They are a GREAT value, as far as I'm concerned. All the buttons are laid out in logical order and the LCD display is easy to read. I now have two at home and one a work. They monitor the weather, 24/7, and the forecast is only a button press away.
I especially like the S.A.M.E. capability, since I can program in the counties I want watch/warning statements for. You can program as many as 25 counties into this receiver. Amazing! This is convenient so I don't get warnings which will not affect me over 80 miles away! And the warning alarm is LOUD! I also like the small LEDs for Warning, Watch, and Statement. If you miss the actual broadcast, the LEDs will light-up during the duration of the statement. This way, if you have been away from the radio, you know immediately when you return, that something is active and can then review it with the Weather button.
The radio supports all seven NWS NOAA frequencies in the 162Mhz FM band. Plus it has an alarm clock! The most important function for me is the 'battery backup' it has. With (3) AA batteries, your radio will work after you lose AC power!!!
Overall, a GREAT WX radio by Midland!
I recently purchased a midland WR-100B Weather radio and found it to be very easy to set up so that I receive all of the local weather warnings. During a recent outbreak of bad weather, I received a warning on the radio about 7 minutes before it showed up on the local TV station. I am very pleased with the product and would recommend it to anyone who would like the peace of mind to receive early warnings about severe weather any time of the day.
I've had a weather radio for years. The problem is that it would warn of storms that were no where near my location ... making it a little like the boy who cried wolf. The SAME technology in this unit rectifies that problem by allowing me to restrict alerts to only those counties that are close by. The identification of alert types and levels is another great feature. After having one for a few months, I bought one for each of my daughters. - Midland - Weather Radio - Same - Weather Alert'
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