I have tried other hip pedometers in the past only to be constantly disappointed in the inaccuracy of the steps. This one is never wrong! I test it from time to time during my walks with constant amazement of the steps being exactly the same as what I counted. Would recommend this to anyone who wants a truly accurate step/mile/total per day/total per week meter.
This pedometer works great. I usually hang it around my neck while I'm walking. It keeps an accurate count of steps, distance, time, calories burned and speed. Although the instructions state you can put it in your pocket, or just about anywhere and it will pick up your movements, I've found it works best when I wear it around my neck. I've tried it in my pants pocket and a jacket pocket over a route I had measured with my car and neither one were as accurate as when I just hung it around my neck. Also, you want it to hang freely. Once on a cold day I had it under my jacket and it didn't work as well. I'm very happy with it and use it every day.
Just got it in the mail a few hours ago and put it through a test run which was surprisingly more accurate than I thought. The most attractive feature is the fact that you can keep this pedometer anywhere on your body and it'll count steps! I had it in my pocket, around my neck and in my bag and it perfectly measured 0.25 miles exactly on one lap around a track. It also provies the calories burned, time spent walking, distance, and steps. Its small, lightweight and barely noticeable when you have it on.
I have always had great luck with online purchases and have never had to return anything. I usually prefer to live with imperfection as long as the item basically does what it's supposed to. In other words, I'm easy to please.
This item arrived very quickly after it was shipped, which was great. I was excited to unpack it and play with it.
My first little let-down, though one I could easily live with, was how cheap it looks. I looks like something that comes out of a gum ball machine, or that you might find in a cereal box. The photo makes it look like a metallic yellow, but it is matte plastic like a 25-cent toy.
The instructions are on a small two-sided sheet and I found them to be clear. I read through them once before setting it up. I entered my weight and stride (which I happen to already know from my last pedometer), as well as the date and time, and was ready to take it for a spin in no time.
I began by trying it around my neck, hung on the lanyard. I tucked it under my sweater so it wouldn't bounce around, and walked from one end of my home to the other.
I counted 22 steps. The pedometer counted 31.
I did it again, walking 18 steps. The pedometer counted 25.
I made several similar short walks around my home and consistently got a higher reading from the pedometer.
I then decided that maybe it would work better if it wasn't hanging from my neck. So I took it off, removed the lanyard and tucked it in my waistband. I could live with not being able to wear it around my neck.
When I consistently got similar results, however, I gave up. If I can't wear a pedometer on my waist and get an accurate step count, it's not going to work for me.
I tried it for less than an hour, not bothering to go outside for a longer walk. I also didn't try changing into pants that had pockets to see if it worked better when carried in a pocket, so I can't speak to that. But snug against my torso or tucked into my waistband, it consistently - I mean, every single time - over-counted substantially.
I will say that the pedometer was great at NOT counting steps that sometimes fool other pedometers. Bending over, shifting in a chair, sitting down and standing up... no steps were recorded.
Maybe I just got a defective one. I'm considering buying another one just to see. If I do, I'll write another review.
I found this pedometer to be accurate, portable and discrete. I am diabetic and need to walk 10,000 steps a day. I thought I was close until I started tracking with a pedometer. I have used up several of the cheaper brands with varying results as well as repeated trips to the store for replacements. With the Ozeri 4x3 I have the necessary information to obtain the required steps. The pedometer is discreet as well as durable and is utilized in a work environment which on occasion requires extreme physical activity. Ozeri 4x3motion Digital Pocket 3D Pedometer with Tri-Axis Technology, in Sport Yellow
A few days ago I received the Ozeri 4x3motion Digital Pocket 3D pedometer and started using it immediately. My sister-in-law, who is an avid trail blazer, had this particular pedometer. She showed it to me and I was impressed with the ease with which she could switch between functions without a lot of button switching. I have used other pedometers and was disappointed with them because of the frustration I felt each time trying get my mileage, steps, etc. - confusion with the limited buttons. My sister-in-law had the black pedometer but I liked the yellow one. I especially love the lanyard for putting around my neck which works best for me since I have two standard poodles to walk everyday and needs my hand free. The pedometer is so easy to use. Sure, it is larger than some of the others but with the three buttons there is very little confusion and you can readily get your steps, and mileage as well as calorie count. There are times I forget I am wearing it. The directions for setup are very easy to follow. I really like this pedometer and I think you will too!! - Pocket - Amazon - Pedometers - Step Counter'
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