If you've been waiting for a good case for your new ipod touch 2g than your wait is over. First, I had the belkin wave silicone case and it's good but not worth $25, maybe $10. This case by speck, is definitely worth the money. It fits the ipod perfectly, it has a nice grip, and feels sturdy enough to take a fall because of it's extra thick corners. It does not add much bulk to the touch so it's still looks cool in your hands.My suggestion on this product is if you don't have a case buy this, if you have one, consider buying this one, you will not regret this purchase. Speck PixelSkin Rubberized Case for iPod touch 2G, 3G (Black)
I still wouldn't want to drop the ipod -- this is not a hard case (they're pretty bulky), but this slim rubber case protects from minor bumps and feels good in the hand. I coupled it with an ikross screen protector and now I don't worry about everyday wear degrading the look and function of my favorite new toy.
I've owned dozens of iPod cases over the years and this without question is the best one for the iPod touch 2g. Several things make this case superior. 1st and foremost, if you sit it on the dash of your car and turn a corner too sharp it won't go flying out the side window. The volume, power and home button are all covered and raised so their easy to find and adjust. Removing the iPod is a breeze, it fits snugly but also stretches. The sides and back are treaded so it feels more secure in your hand. Make sure and buy a good screen protector, it finishes off a percect product.
I bought this to use at the gym until I could settle on an armband, and I am very pleased. Last week, while exercising on an elliptical at the gym, I decided to play TapDefense in addition to listening to music (LOVE that you can do that - my old iPod was a 4gig Nano, and with this iPod Touch I feel as if I jumped ahead in time three generations). My back wasn't happy with my game playing, as slumping over to look at a handheld device for twenty minutes isn't an ideal position for one's back to be in. Nevertheless, my addiction to the game (currently the top free game on iTunes), told me to ignore the potential back spasms and continue.
Needless to say, I dropped the darn thing. A few people laughed. I almost went into cardiac arrest, as I was dead certain the iPod would have something wrong with it.
I got off the elliptical - no simple feat when worried about one's most prized possession (or, at least, one's new favorite toy) - and when I plugged my headphones back in was delighted to hear music playing! Still wary, I "touched" it on, and sighed with thankful relief when the screen came back on.
A week later, and it's still going strong.
Now, though, I have an armband for it, and don't give in to distractive obsessions. Still, I use the Speck PixelSkin when I'm not at the gym. If it can survive a six to eight foot fall in that skin, it can survive just about anything else I could subject it to. (As I knock on wood.)
I agonized over a case selection ever since buying my 64GB gen 3 iPod nearly two months ago. I had not yet used it because I was afraid I'd break it or jack it up with scuff marks and scratches if I used it without a case (and likely would have). I originally searched for a case that offered screen protection as well as body protection. After failing to find a decent one I finally decided to trust the positive reviews on the Speck. Boy am I glad I did! The quality is top notch. The case arrived in quality packaging and slipped very easily over my new touch. There was no pulling or need to force it in. the fit was snug enough to inspire confidence in the safety of my device but not tight or stressing at all. For the screen I just picked up a pack of clear overlay screen protectors (which ironically took much longer to install than the Speck Case). The case did not increase the bulk of the unit much at all. The iPod is still nice, slender, and small, case and all. It has a nice solid rubber feel and I no longer feel like a clumsy drop is inevitable whenever I pick up my new iPod. Although the case covers the side and top buttons, there are moldings to indicate their location and it doesn't interfere in any way with operation. The bottom ports are unobstructed and easily accessible. The case (so far) doesn't seem to attract fuzz or dust as I expected it to (given the material). I highly recommend this case if you're searching for a decent case for your gen 3 (or older) iPod Touch.
One nice thing that nobody else has mentioned yet is that this case is molded well so that pressing the volume button and sleep button on the iPod touch 2g is made easier by the case being on. I think the case does exactly what you want it to do, but obviously it does not protect the screen if you drop the iPod. It is really handy because it's a little tacky. One other thing is that I use my ipod as an alarm clock and I have to remove the ipod from the case because the case tends to dampen the sound of the built-in speaker a little bit. Overall it's a very nice case. I think it's more comfortable to hold and less slippery with the case on than without the case. - Speck - Ipod Touch - Itouch Accessories - Ipod Accessories'
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