I wish they would have included little file boxes to put together to store all the little pieces of papers in. Other reviewers suggest a shoe box, but I needed a tiny box to hold the tiny file folders upright so their contents won't fall out. I have spent a lot of time today just organizing the pieces of this product and looking for tiny boxes, etc. to store stuff in. My 7 year old daughter loves it all, but still needs my help with it. She has 4 doll "students" and has set up report cards for all of them, graded some tests (actually added up scores for correct answers), filled in the "Teacher's Attendance and Grade Book" with their attendance and their test scores, and then said that teachers' jobs are not as easy as she had thought. Good insight. I helped her average the 2 math test scores she had for each student so she could fill in the first grading period on their report cards, so was glad to introduce her to "averaging" and division. The alphabet banner is in cursive, so she is excited about starting to learn that, as she is only in first grade. She enjoys the multiplication flash cards, so I'm thinking of getting a whole deck that she can work with.
Suggestion--All the little pieces to this school set come on sheets of heavy weight paper and you punch out the pieces, like the flash cards, tiny library cards, tests, file folers, award certificates, etc. I highly recommend that BEFORE you punch out any of the pieces, you SCAN THE PAGES INTO YOUR COMPUTER SO YOU CAN PRINT OUT DUPLICATES AS NEEDED. The set is supposed to have enough school supplies for 4 dolls. In the book it often says if you have more than 4 "students" you will need to make photocopies of the items to have enough for each student.
Well, I don't know about the other reviewers, but my book only had one writing journal, even though the book specifically states, "If you have more than 4 students, photocopy the cover and pages." Another disparity between the book and the items in the kit is the school "locker" door. The book says it's a "sticker" but mine is just a piece of paper printed to look like a locker door. The idea is to stick the "locker door" picture onto a shoebox lid, tape the lid to the box on one side and make a locker out of the shoe box. I only had one "locker door" in my book, so I'd have to make photocopies of if I wanted lockers for all 4 of my daughter's students.
I'd like to see some online component to this book, where buying the book gives you a code to go online and find more things to do like this.
Overall, great idea. Brings me back to my own childhood playing school and making little items for my dolls. I too have had to set up a "doll school" in a corner. Once school starts back, I plan to make up little spelling tests for the dolls with my daughter's weekly spelling words from school. Same with math and other subjects.
Would love to hear more suggestions from other purchasers. Doll School: For Girls Who Love to Teach! (American Girl)
The Doll School set by American Girl grabbed my attention the second I saw it. It's filled with miniature items such as hall passes, lunch tickets, library cards, and even school pictures! Any girl can be an organized and prepared teacher when they purchase this item. I love it. I have a corner in the playroom where my dolls can learn what I learn from my teacher every day! This set is worth every penny you pay, and I gaurantee you that it will NOT be a disspointment!
-Marion O'Sullivan age 11
This kit has so many ideas and pieces that it is perfect for many days worth of fun. I recommend giving it to your little girl with a shoe box to store all the little pieces in, such as the mini doll class photos.
Good for an "extra" Christmas present or a birthday present for an American Girl doll fan, but don't expect too much. My daughter played with it for a week and then put it away not to come out again. Possibly she was too old at 11. I would recommend for the 7-10 year old who doesn't quite know what to do with her dolls
Santa brought this to my daughter for X-mas and it was her favorite present! She is in second grade and loves
to play school. Now she can play with her doll. The math is a bit hard for her but now she wants to learn
multiplication. It is very well done. Lots of little pieces so you need a box or bag to keep everything together.
Highly recommend.
I was very impressed with this craft kit, and bought two, one for me and one for my grandaughter, who is seven. As the other reviewers have mentioned, it is gloriously detailed and just the thing for little girls who love to play school. There are definitely HOURS of activities. My grandaughter loves it too, but I believe she is at the minimal age for it. The reviewer who gave it only 3 stars acknowledges she gave this craft book to her children who are 4 and 6 years old and I think that is too young. The child who goes to school is going to be more enchanted with the miniature tests and all the little knick knacks. Being able to read is the absolute minimum requirement! Also, this craft requires manual dexterity to cut carefully. I fold it delightful to do WITH my grandaughter. Too much fun to just have one book... - Hobbies - Crafts - American Girl Books - American Girl Dolls'
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