These are awesome for the price!! We bought a new (used) car and the next day got some rain and the wipers were so bad I had to pull over till the rain let up so I could see the road, so I got home and ordered this and some others, I need 3 different sizes for my car, and I have PRIME so there were here really quick and they worked better than the ones had purchased for my other car and paid double for!! I will only buy the rain-x for now on!! Rain-X Weatherbeater Wiper Blade - 13"
I have tried various wiper blades that claim they will last for years. Graphite,Silicon type etc: All have streaked in less than a year. Consumers Report, of the blades they tested rated all blades streaked after 6 months,except for the Rain-X. These are not expensive blades, as some I have tried. Do not yet have a history.'
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