I use these glue sticks myself and always have quite a number of them around for various needs and projects. My use of them is not what makes this product so great though. I have a slew of nieces and nephews that constantly invade my homes and as I am the single sister (translate that to "free child care specialist") I have been appointed the adult (that is a laugh) to house break the little critters.
I found out very quickly that nothing made my sisters, and sister-in-laws madder than to send their precious little urchins home to them with glue, dirt, grime and "stuff" all over their pretentious little designer clothing. I was constantly in trouble I can tell you! Well, I solved one of my many problems in this area by purchasing these nifty little glue sticks.
I always have projects ready for the little twerps when they show up; many of which require a lot of cutting, drawing and pasting. I was forever desperately washing clothing trying to remove glue stains and the like before the cubs were picked up by their fussy, neuortic and uptight parents. With these sticks this has cut a lot of that out. They are neat to use and when the little ones do get it all over the place, it is easy to wash out of their clothing and off of my table tops and off their grubby little (although I must admit...cute) hands. It, by the way, incase you are wondering, is easy to wash from dog fur when the little ones decide to decorate their four legged friends with cutout pictures, ribbons, etc.
Since I have noted that children like to use waaaay too much glue on their projects, these sticks are even more useful as they force the child to use less and be a bit neater in what they are doing. The last project we did was mounting dried leaves we had collected this summer and pressed. It was delicate work as the leaves were quite fragile and the kids did a wonderful job on them when they mounted them to the paper they prepared and then mounted the paper to the cardboard backing.
Good product and I highly recommend it. Avery Glue Stic, 0.26 oz, Pack of 6, (98095)
I like using these for school projects, scrapbooking, and most other paper projects. Sticky, not wet, so you don't have to worry about bleed-thru, even on regular notebook paper. They're so economical that you barely notice when one goes missing. This was advertised as a pack of 6, but I was lucky to get a bonus pack with 2 extra! They are non-toxic and washable which make them great for younger children.
This glue stick works better than any other glue stick I've tried. It can get a bit messy and runs out pretty fast, but they are secondary concerns. It does its primary job very well, which is to stick stuff to other stuff.
I've also used the purple version of this glue stick and they seem to do about the same job.
I like the small size because it's easy for me to tape my envelopes without getting glue all over everyting. I would order again. I still say the shipping and handling with Amazon is my only problem.
As all of you know, I am constantly looking around for products that will improve your life. No, I am not talking about those infomercials that promise you a blanket with sleeves when a cloth poncho will do, or those ab devices that promises a six-pack in 60 days when all it does is roll your fat around. Oh no people, I have done my research and the product I am reviewing offers no false promises. It's the real deal (just like me) so listen up!
As you all know, a busy famous Seer, like myself, collects a lot of memorabilia over time. I have tons of newspaper clippings to organize. I am sure you remember the picture of me dashinging into a limo with Lady Gaga to escape the papparazzi. Also me, on the cover of Esquire with Muhammad Ali and two beautiful Playboy Bunnies. Hmmm.... that was awhile ago, wasn't it?
And, along with all this, are many pictures that I have collected. Well, there's one of me and Lincoln on the train to Gettysburgh taken by Matthew Brady. It shows me, leaning over, and pointing to a few corrections to be made in his speech. There's one of me and Sondra the Seeress vacationing on the Riviera. Also subsequent photos of me in the hospital after the shark attack. I tell ya people, I have a ton of photos. Many are pictures taken with dignataries and foreign diplomats. I even have some of my spirit guides, Marshy, Guido and Chance. Unfortunately, when the film was developed, the only thing you could see were orbs. I had to hire a police sketch artist to finally get their likeness.
Anyway, I finally got photo albums and scrap books to organize all this, but I was dreading what to use to secure my treasures. Yes, I have used all sorts of things in the past. The scotch tape always dried out and the glue always oozed and got messy. The pages would stick together and the paste got all over my clothes. It got so bad that the running joke was that they should use me as fly paper. A Seer of my stature should NOT be treated with such ridicule! After all, I have a fan base to deceive!
And so, I recently purchased this product and it's an answer to my dreams.It's called Glue Stic and all you have to do is glide it over a surface (paper, photos etc.), set the object in place and press. That's it! Done! There is no residue to clean up and it does not stain your clothes or gum up your fingers. It glides very easily and is perfect for any project you want to do. Of course, this is light glue so don't expect it to bind that broken metal chain on your swing set. There are limitations and, and this price, don't expect miracles.
There is a twist turn on the bottom so you can let out more glue as you need it. There is on caveat though. One morning, before I was fully awake, I almost used it as a deodorant. So keep this away from the medicine cabinet people!
In closing, have fun using this. I think it's the best thing invented since white out (which no one uses anymore I bet). But, have no fear! As long as photos, cardboard and paper exist, there will definitely be a need for this. Now you must excuse me, I have to set this photo of me and Mick Jagger at Studio 54 into place.
Sticky Fingers --- Metamorpho ;) - Office - Avery - Pastes - Art Glues'
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