I get a lot of game books sent to me for review; I let Game QA&Testing get lost in the stack, assuming it would be some "idiot's guide" for people who want to get into the industry but don't really have a shot... I was completely wrong. Game QA & Testing is an excellent book for anyone seriously considering QA as a career. It explains the advantages and hurdles as well as brings a level of professionalism to the profession which is often lacking in the industry.
This is a book that I would not only recommend for every QA person and QA hopeful but also for producers and designers who want a better understanding of how QA should work.
James Portnow
CEO Divide by Zero Games Game Development Essentials: Game QA & Testing
As with all the Game Development Essentials I found this book to have plenty of information on Video Game QA & Testing as well as giving you a heads up on how to get in to the industry as a whole. I found this incredibly helpful and I've read it from cover to cover a few times in the last few weeks.
This is first review I have written for amazon. Usually I am inline with what other write about a book and feel no need to add any comments.
However, the comments on this book are way off base. I am profession programmer with 20 years experience. I have a background in enterprise development, including testing, agile, etc.... I was looking for a book about testing for games to see who the best practices differ from the world I am part of....and this book spends less than 5 pages talking about automated repeatable test suites...instead it talks about just about everything else. It is full of tales of what others have developed, but spends almost no time on how to test!!!
As an introduction to game development, this book may be ok, but even for this, purpose I think there are better books out there. I would strong recommend NOT getting this book.
Luis and Jeannie's book is an invaluable resource for anyone looking for a way to get into the video game industry or to start up their own company. Testing and Quality Assurance (QA) is often overlooked by newcomers, but the process is vitally important in getting a game polished, finished and shipped. This is a great introduction for students as well as for industry professionals.
I particularly enjoyed the first section which put the whole testing process in an historical perspective and went into detail on the kinds of testing involved in finishing a game. The last section also has great advice on how to move from testing onto a game team. Scattered throughout the book are lots of insights from industry pros. Finally, the DVD included in the book contains a rich lode of relevant materials - test plans, design documents and even a bunch of games! As with the other books in the "Game Development Series," this book gives the reader fascinating insights into the game industry.
Jeannie and Luis have done a great job with this book, lots of inside advice from professionals in the gaming industry. A very worthy addition to the Game Development Essentials series. Highly recommended.
Luis and Jeannies book; Game QA & Testing is a must have for any aspiring game tester. It covers everything from what to expect before we start in the field of Video Game Testing, all the way to dealing with the testers responsabilities once we finally land that job and make it to the next plateau!
Game QA not only gives you the tricks of the trade, it also helps you build a professional mindset into this exciting field.
This is an excellent book for anyone who is considering being a Video Game Tester but doesn't know where to start. Thanks guys!
-Nick Spanfellner
Member of Atlantis Society and Video Game Design student at AIO
GDE is a series of books developed solely for collegiate learning regarding technology and gaming. This specific title is geared to QA testers and 'wanna-be' QA testers. It speaks in depth how lowly of a position QA testing really is. It's not simply an easy job to get and hold. You will fight long hours and hard times, all looking for the hope of moving up in the industry.
The book goes into great detail on types of bugs to spot while QA testing as well as their specific names and examples. It is wonderful as college material as there are questions after every chapter to brush up and review.
Like many in the series of Game Devleopment Essentials this title, Game QA & Testing is a must have for any student of the game. - Game Design - Game Programming - Video Games - Video Game Books'
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