What a great book. I LOVE the visual format, the easy style of the writing, and I am laughing at how often I read a bit and say to myself, "OF COURSE! Why didn't I toss that darned thing a year ago... Never did feel good in it!" The author points out the things you can't put your own finger on -- why something doesn't look quite right. She also tells you how to appropriately pair things, something I struggle with especially when it comes to shoes. There's a great section on what types of outfits various types of shoes/boots will complement, and what NOT to pair them with. All the solutions are uncomplicated, practical, and completely do-able. This book will make a great "girlfriend" gift too. In fact I'm going on a girls' weekend next week and I'm bringing a copy for each of my pals! Wear This, Toss That!: Hundreds of Fashion and Beauty Swaps That Save Your Looks, Save Your Budget, and Save You Time
I really liked this book. I liked the fact that is was in color, organized well and a easy read. A lot of the fashipn or books on color are written in black and white. It is really hard to really get what they are trying to tell you without seeing it. This book is well worth the money. It's a keeper.
Being a stylist, fashion and style blogger, closet cleaner and overall fashion fanatic, I read virtually every book on the subject of fashion, style, how to be chic, gorgeous, age appropriate, look rich and be envied that is out there. This is one of the best I have found. Great advice - not just theory. Good examples with real people models. I am hyper-critical of "fashion" books and this one makes the cut.
This is a flip thru and set up in the bookshelf to forget about, type of book. Unless you're someone who could be nominated for TLC's "What Not to Wear" then you really don't need this book. There is nothing in here remarkable or stunning and most of the information is "common knowledge". Also their 2 models look like they wear a size 4 so it does not account for varrying body shapes or sizes. My suggestion, just use a full length mirror and look at yourself before you leave the house.
What a fantastic fashion book! I'll be honest, as much as I enjoy fashion, make-up, hair and skin care, I don't necessarily read up on it. This book is so easy though - it makes staying in style while still loving your own personal flair a breeze. As well, its laid out like your own closet - portioned into sections that make the arguably frustrating task of "what to get rid of" basic. This Mom and wife certainly knows her stuff and I appreciated all of the time spent on skin care so much! It's such a challenge reading labels, finding reviews that don't come from a manufacturer etc. - and reading both the authors reports AND interviews of respected and well known people in the industry was fantastic. Wonderfully done!
I got this from the library and I'm glad I didn't waste my money. It did have a few helpful hints. I am 48 and looking to update my look without looking like I want to be 21 again. This book was not geared to my age; more geared to a 30 something wanting to look professional. Also, something that really irritates me is when books or advertisements show before/after or good/bad photos, and the before or bad photo is just ridiculously bad. . . bad lighting, unhappy expression, bad angle for the photo, etc; and then miraculously Everything is better in the after/good photo. C'mon! We're not idiots out here! show us realistic before/after shots please!
I loved this book! So many times on TV or in magazines we are told what to wear, but it's just as important to know what NOT to wear and "Wear This, Toss That" does just that. I felt inspired to finally get rid of all the ill-fitting, dated, unflattering items in my closet that I had been wearing over and over again. I now have a much better understanding of what styles work best for my body shape and what is best to avoid. I also appreciated that, in addition to fashion, they also gave great tips on make-up and hair/skin care. All in all, I found this book extremely helpful and would recommend it to my friends.
I got this book yesterday and have read thru most of it. I don't feel I have learned anything. The same styles do not look good on everyone and every body type. It talks a lot about fit.. yes clothing should fit right- now what? After hours of reading, I just want to feel I've learned something. I feel I'm pretty stylish person, but some of the pictures of what to wear I think are ugly. And some of the don't would work on the right person. After spending $16 and waiting a week for the book to come in the mail I'm disappointed!
What an excellent book to read and keep on hand - this is definitely one I am putting on the keep shelf. Although I am pretty good, not excellent, but pretty good and getting rid of clothes that haven't been worn in awhile; I am terrible about the amount of clothes that come in the door (no comment from the peanut gallery). I find something that fits and I assume that I will never see it again, so I order 3 more in different colors or just 3 more. So, I must admit that my closet could use some tossing - especially now that police uniforms are on their way, a little stressed.
Ok, to review the book and not my closet. A great go to book to determine what should stay and what should be evicted from the closet. I skimmed through the parts that I may already have a handle on, but I spent a lot of time on the beauty section. Sweet and concise, the beauty section was a great overview of what products could be added to your shelf and routine and would could be deleted. Then the accessories, a great section that would help any woman pair down or amp up what they use to beef up their wardrobe and a particular outfit. All in all, this book definitely helped set priorities in my closet and made me want to sit down in it and evaluate the situation.
A purchase for anyone graduating college and heading into the work world or may be in a style or closet rut. I think everyone could grab a tip or idea from this book.'
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